
If i was raped what should be done?

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and became pregnant as a result... would i be punished by god if i got an abotion or what would you do...the adotion system is so horrible?




  1. Well, you can help in choosing parents for the kid and you can meet with them before pregnancy. If you rest heavily on your faith, an abortion might not be a good idea. but, if you want it or feel you need it to be done, it's understandable. There is no right answer to this. Objectively, there are so many possible views and decisions you can make.  If you don't want to abort, adopt. if you don't trust the adoption establishment, you can either take care of it yourself, or interview prospective parents yourself.  Perhaps there is someone close to you who cannot concieve.

  2. I don't think you would go to h**l. I think God would understand you were lost in your time of pain and confusion. If I was impregnated by rape, Personally I would abort...or I think I would. I DO not believe in abortion at all...except when it comes to rape. That is an innocent child's life that is being taken away...but I know how hard it would be to carry a baby that was brought on by such cruelty. I don't know...maybe I would keep the child and adopt it out...but I would always wonder how the child would feel if they ever found out how they were conceived. I guess its just how you would look at it. Thinking about it now...I don't know if I could abort a child for rape...but I wouldn't look down on someone for it if they did it. Good luck with the decision. It's a hard one.  

  3. Since when is the adoption system so horrible?

    I get really frustrated, because stupid people don't know what they're talking about, and pollute the facts for the rest of the world.

    In america, yes, unfortunately, we have a lot of unwanted children being sheparded around in the foster care system.


    Newborns are NOT included.

    I'm pregnant now, and if I wanted to put my baby up for adoption, I could pick up a folder of over 20 different families who want my baby.

    I'd pick one, and as soon as the baby was born, I'd hand him over, and he'd immediately be in their custody. End of story.

    this is because everyone wants a newborn baby, to raise from the beginning. Not many couples want an older child, like, a 6 year old. They want their own "baby" because they aren't able to medically have their own, in most cases.

    It's sad, but its true.

    That being said, I think adoption is ALWAYS a healtheir choice than abortion, as, you'll be relieving the trauma of a rape and an abortion.

    But, it's ultimately your choice.

    Just think long and hard about it, as its a decision that will impact the rest of your life.

  4. You have a choice of picking out who you want your baby to go to. Please don't listen to ppl that say that the adoption system is bad. I was adopted and i believe that it was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I would call the police ASAP!!! get that person in jail. He doesn't deserve to live anywhere but behind bars. If you don't i garentee that there will be more women victomized like you.  

  5. There are a lot of very pleasant success stories that come out of the "adoption system." If carrying the child is not going to be an issue physically or psychologically, then have faith in adoption and go for it. If the only reason you're not considering adoption is because you've heard negative things about the system, do some reading on it or speak with someone involved with adoptions.

    On the other hand, if you have physical limitations or anticipate psychological ramifications from the pregnancy itself or how conception occurred, then maybe it's time to explore other options.

    The bottom line is that you have the choice. Don't let something as trivial as a message board influence your decision making.  Do what is best for YOU. No matter what you decide, you will have to live with the decision you make for the rest of your life. Quite frankly, it would be tough on almost anyone to go through what you're facing no matter which way you go. Think very hard about your options and make the decision that best suits you, not the opinions of people on Yahoo.

  6. i would file a police report, but that your choice, if anything adoption...

  7. I'm so sorry for you situation. The adoption systems not that bad for infants. Your baby could be adopted from birth and grow normally with a family of your choice.

  8. well first i hate to hear that happen to you i am so sorry about that.  what i would do  if it doesn't bother you to bad and you can carry that baby i  would do that and find someone that can't have a baby and give them that love of life instead of killing the baby it is that baby fault that, that man is a monster.  that is what  i would do  

  9. God wouldn't punish you, he has already forgiven you for everything you've ever done. But the way I see it, it's not the baby's fault that this happened, and aborting the baby is removing the potential of the baby and cutting God's plan for it's life off.  

  10. I am someone who is COMPLETELY against abortion.....EXCEPT in the case of rape or incest. To me if I got pregnant while I was raped I wouldnt be able to look at that baby and it not remind me of that pain I went through. I would love my child no matter what but that would still be in the back of my mind. Its like a reminder of the horrible thing that happened to you. But I also would consider adoption. You can find a really good home that will love that baby and take care of him/her if you dont feel right getting an abortion. This is something that you have to feel right doing. Ask yourself this could you live with yourself if you got an abortion? Raped or not. God forgives. You wont be punished at all. I think more than anything he would understand why you did it. Do what your hearts telling you to do. If abortion is your answer, do it. If not I would really consider adoption. Good luck on what you decide! And Im sorry such a horrible thing happened to you

  11. If you were raped (hopefully you weren't), these steps should be taken right away:

    1. Call the police

    2. Write down every single detail that happened no matter how unwanted that may be

    3. File a report to the police

    4. Get yourself to a hospital.

    You should not under any circumstances clean yourself or any evidence that may be used against the rapist.

    At the hospital, a nurse or doctor will check you to make sure you have indeed been raped (something with markings on your v****a) and if you have been, they give you an early morning pill (to try and prevent you getting pregnant) and give you antibiotics for the major STDs out there so you don't end up a month later screaming "OMG HIV!"

    If you don't go and get an early morning pill (There is a Plan B early morning pill that is legal to be sold at some stores to adults (18 and above)) well you may become pregnant unless he was shooting blanks and/or you are infertile. If you do become pregnant, there are 3 ways to lose a baby:

    1. Miscarriage

    2. Abortion

    3. Adoption

    #1 may or may not happen. Teenagers tend to have more miscarriages, though, mainly because their bodies aren't fully developed and ready to have a healthy normal baby. But it can happen in adults, too. But there are no known solid causes for miscarriages.

    #2 may be a emotionally traumatic experience for you and you may feel guilty as h**l afterwards. But it's the only definite way that you will be getting rid of the baby for life. But then there is the question of "Would you feel guilty for depriving a life of life before it even had a chance?" Because it's only this fact remaining: "It wasn't the baby's fault"

    #3 Adoption. It's true that many want to adopt newborns. However, the process can be quite stressful. Do you want visitation rights, full visitation rights or just partial? Do you want the baby to know you that you're its mother or not? Are you sure that the family that is adopting you baby are good parents or family? Life is full of questions and so is the adoption process. Also, the problem with adoption is that you may want to keep your baby for some reason or another. And then think of all the cost and suffering you had to go through while you were pregnant.

    And about the god stuff...sorry I don't know. I say do what you decide because after all, it's your life.

  12. If you were raped recently (within the last 72 hours) go to a doctor, planned parent hood and get an emergency contraceptive.  There are also some OTC, but I don't know how effective they are, or if they are availible everywhere.  Even if it was awhile ago, you should see a doctor and make sure you don't have STDs, or an injury.

    Whether or not to have an abortion is a very personal decision - no one on Yahoo answers should be answering it for you.  Everyone can tell you what they think, not what YOU think.  No matter what you decide there are going to be people that fully support you and people that criticize you.  Whether or not God would punish you is also pretty personal - you can try talking to your minister for help there.......most priests/ministers are pretty decent and will try and help you.  

  13. could totaly get an abortion. im usually wary on it. but if your freakin raped. you couldnt help it. or you could put the child up for adoption. im adopted and im very very glad that my mother let me have a chance since she couldnt care for me. Do what feels right for you.

  14. Question is how would YOU feel if you aborted the baby not God ! I suggest for adoption rather than aborting it ... Good Luck !  

  15. Abortion is abortion no matter how you become pregnant.  So I guess the question is, what are your beliefs on pregnancy and God?  How would you feel if you were to have an abortion?  Remember, it's not the baby's fault that it was not conceived out of love.  

    I believe that abortion is murder no matter what the situation because you are killing a living organism and I also believe that murder is wrong; therefore, if I were put in this particular situation, I would have the baby, but perhaps look into adoption.

    Good luck.

  16. only you can make the right decision, i dont agree with abortions at all, i have no idea what it must be like to go through what u have been through, but have u ever thought of keeping it, i no it sounds terrible, but that baby is part of u more importantly, and innocent in all of this, i dont know whether i could cope giving my child to someone else, but i do think it is the lesser of 2 evils x x

  17. I feel the only time abortion would be an thing to think about is if you are raped or if the child is going to come out with many birth defects.  This decision is ultimately yours so you should decide what you think is right not what others think is right.

  18. They have some adoption plans where YOU can pick the parents, and it's a lot easier. I would have the baby, because it wasn't the babys fault.

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