
If i was to come across someones credit card and bought sumthin off the net and posted it to my house?

by  |  earlier

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would i be caught?




  1. Do unto others.

    This is theft and you know it.

  2. ET has it right.  U R toast.

  3. E T pretty much has it nailed, except for the part where you get arrested, and have to pay that back and then some.

  4. Uh. It would be fairly easy to track you down. IE

    1) Customer gets statement, finds charge they did not order/authorize

    2) Customer calls CC company, and disputes the charge

    3) CC cancels payment gets address from website you ordered

    4) CC notifies police

    5) Police knock on your door

  5. Yes.  And then comes the trial and jail time.

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