
If i was to die could i make my partner the legal guardian of my son rather than his biological father? ?

by  |  earlier

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His father is irresponsible and sees him once or twice a month whereas my partner and him have a bond. If i was to put this in my will could it legally be followed.




  1. the father has full rights 2 see his son... and take him if u die but if he duzn't want him then he can go w/ ur partner....i think

  2. You can certainly express your wishes in your will, and give good reasons as to why you want it that way. That does not, however, guarantee that it will happen. If the bio dad or any other blood relative shows up and asks for custody, and if they're willing to fight the will, it's quite possible that the courts could side with them.

    See a good custody attorney to insure that you're doing everything you can to make sure your son will stay with your partner.

  3. actually you can get a will and make your sons DADDY not his bio the power of attorney good luck  

  4. i have a feeling he has to legally be documented as the legal guardian or as your husband. but not quite sure. if you strongly feel that the bio father isnt ready to take the full time task, then call your local courthouse and find out legally.  

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