
If i watch a quigi bord on you tube nothing can happen bad can it?

by Guest32652  |  earlier

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If i watch a quigi bord on you tube nothing can happen bad can it?




  1. You mean ouija board?

    Well, you might get really bored, that would be the worse effect I could think of.

  2. well watch it with your hands over your eyes at least

    just peek thru your fingers and you should be safe

  3. Do Not do this. This is an occult practice and you are opening yourself up to all sorts of evil.  God forbids involvement in the occult even if you think this is for entertainment only.

  4. Nope nothin' ever at all is going to happen not even something good!

  5. OMYGOD DONT DO A OIJI BOARD trust me dont try it it comenses evilbleugh xxz :)?

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