
If i were going to get a ferret,bunny, cat or a miniature dog what should I get?

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i really want a ferret but i hear they can get stinky and if cats dont like the territory they have been put into they could pee and p**p to mark their territory bunnys are just hard to keep track of and a miniature dog might not work with my two golden retrevers.




  1. get a minature dog or just spend more time with the dogs you allready have

  2. Hello.I have 2 cat's so i will answer this.Cat's use the bathroom evryware if there not fixed.And maybe with 2 golden retrivers not a good idea inless yur sure they can handle it.Bunny's as cute as they are they need alot of space like a backyard.Miniture dog mite be the best one acually.Or try these pets:bird,hamster(neither bird or hamster if u have cats!)lizard/sallamander.Or ask the peaple at the petstore/animam shelter EXTRA! try not 2 buy a dog from the animal shelter they sometimes abuse the dogs.

  3. Ferrets are cute, but they do smell horrible. They stink up the whole house. Get a Netherland Dwarf rabbit. There easy to take care of, and not hard to keep track of unless you leave them outside:)

  4. miniature cutti !!! OMG i want one so bad !

  5. if i were you i would go with the miniature dog. you should probably get a bichonpoo. i have a bichonpoo. it is a mix between a bichon freeze and a poodle. they are good dogs and can get along with any dog. Bichonpoos get lonely so having 2 golden retrievers is a good thing.

  6. Since you already have 2 Golden Retrievers, (great choice,  wow! lovely dogs) I'd suggest getting a new pair of roller blades and training them to pull you around the neighborhood. It's something cool that the 2 of them could do that none of the other animals listed could even come close to copying. Engage and enjoy those smart dogs of yours.

  7. I belive you should get a bunny. they can be as good as a dog if you get the right one. the can follow you around the house, be walked on a leashe and even go and hang out at a park. they are very nice, sweet, cuddly if you get the right one. if you plan to get one then you should go to a small breeder with expierience because the less rabbits the breeder has the more time he can spend with the rabbits. just as an example of how sweet bunnies can be my rabbit just cam up and licked my cheek and then started l*****g my lips. it was sooo sweet. at first i was afraid he was going to bite but he is way too sweet to do that.

           I hope I helped and I hope that if you get a rabbit you get a great one!

  8. a bunny is a very good choice. Yes. They can be hard to keep track of BUT that's only if you let it out of it's cage. I have a Dwarf Hotot bunny and, She's clean. You just have to make sure you feed it everyday (not TOO much) and give it fresh water (LOTS AND LOTS) I also recommend a cage that has a tray underneath the cage. It's convenient for the "mess" bunnies make (i know you know they ummm. . . "go" alot LOL) so you just take the tray out and spray it down outside with a water hose. EASY! AND they get used to you quite quickly (i just got mine about two weeks ago) And when i call her she runs to me. SO CUTE. You should go for it and get one (They are just as fun  as ferrets and dogs)

  9. Since you already have dogs, go for the dog. Retreivers are good with all dogs, and if you get it as a puppy, they will all get along.

    Ferrets and retreivers, however, don't always get along. Some do, some don't. And the dog can be housetrained - the ferrets and other animals you listed won't be able  to go 100% in their boxes. Sometimes they do. Bunnies and ferrets also dig at carpet.

  10. All of these animals mark their territory by peeing/pooping, not just cats. If you're worried about these problems, I wouldn't get a dog because they are so much work and there's a zillion other problems that can occur.

    Ferretts are pretty stinky, but you can help with that by keeping their enviorment super clean and scooping their poo several times a day.

    It sounds like a bunny would actually be the best bet for you. They don't require too too much time. Just keep their enviorment clean, feed them, play daily. They aren't hard to keep track of if you keep them in their cage. Take them out once daily in an enclosed area for play time.

    Or maybe you should go to the library, get a book on each one, get more info. Also make up a budget for each animal and make sure it's reasonable for you.

    Good luck!

  11. It all depends on what you are willing to do and what you are looking for in a pet. Dogs and cats are probably the most work and they live the longest. So if you are not able to make the commitment, go for the rabbit or ferret. But I have heard that ferrets are smelly and tend to hide things. They are cute and fun though!

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