
If i were making a magnetic motor...

by  |  earlier

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that could run a gokart with about two people in it how much pull force do you think i would need to run the motor? I'm guessing about 100 lbs. of pull force or more. Anybody know that's experienced. Also about how much pull force would i need to run a generator?




  1. Are you asking how powerful an electric motor you should use to run a go cart? A few HP would be enough, more if you want to go fast.

    "pull force would i need to run a generator" I don't understand. Why would you run a generator from an electric motor?

    But I suspect this is a perpetual motion machine, which is what "magnet motor" usually refers to.

    Don't waste your time, it's impossible, it won't work. I know, there are lots of people on the internet who claim they work, and there are videos on YouTube.

    But if just one of these worked in reality, we would never use a gasoline engine again, would never pump a gallon of oil, and someone would be very rich!


  2. for the go cart....figure on about 35-40 ft/lbs...that equals to about 3.5-7 hp.......your 2nd quest. is redundant.....needing a motor to run a motor....a generator needs kinetic ener.  motors are potnetial ener.....use a bicycle to run your fuel    get it!!!

  3. Resistance Force = Normal Force * Coeefiecient of Friction

    Power = Resistance Force * Velocity

    I guess the Coeeficient of friction is about 0.1 - you know better on this one. Then the force is the weight of the Gokart * 0.1; depends how heavy the 2 people are and the gokart is. The resistance force would be about 15 lb if 2 children where riding and up to 100 lb if 2 beer-drinking men are riding.

    The power required by the motor would be the resistance force times the velocity;


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