
If i were to find a girl in my room that is 10 inches tall what do you think i would do?

by  |  earlier

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no killing




  1. Kill it with fire.

  2. ooh your cute. Can I hold you and squeeze you and love you all night long???  

  3. Tell your sister to come get her Barbie doll.

  4. freak out.

  5. Ask her if she's magically delicious!  

  6. Kevin, first of all..I think you would wet your pants! You would have to regain your composure, very quickly (so as not to embarass yourself)

    Next, I think that you would find a little box or a very pretty container, in which to put her. (You want to make her as comfortable as possible so that she doesn't want to leave)  She would be there to hear ALL of your secrets, and because she has the voice of an Angel, she would sing you to sleep every night. She would be ALL yours! You would hug her and squeeze her and love her, all the time....

  7. laugh

    maybe take a few steps back

    then be like who are you and

    what the h**l are you doing in my room?!?!?!?!?

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