
If i were to go anorexic for a while not saying i am just curious?

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how much wieght would i lose?




  1. You can't "go anorexic". It's something you become from a poor diet. If you want to lose weight all you should do is check how much fat is in the foods you are eating and exercise. You should run on the treadmill it helps a lot. Also, riding a bike and running keeps you in awesome shape. Good luck and dont try the anorexic thing, youll just harm yourself and gain the weight right back.

  2. If you starve yourself you can lose a lot of weight. But most of that weight will be muscle instead of fat and when you can't starve yourself any more, then you will eat everything in sight. It lowers your metabolism to starve yourself. Your body starts to think it is starving and burns fewer calories. Also, if you are young, you will starve yourself of much needed nutrients that will be important to your long term survival.

  3. The question is not how much weight would you use, but how fast it would come back and how much muscle you would permanently lose.

    I'm a biology major.  When you starve yourself, the process is actually destructive.  your organs (including heart) need nutrients, not fat.  When no nutrients are coming in, it'll literally steal them from your muscles.  The weight you lose will be from there, not that belly fat you have.  You're brain will take much of that; however, it can send your body into ketoacidosis (like with people on Atkins can get).  Which is deadly in advance stages.  Don't do it.  Suck it up and eat right--cut our the fats that you don't need and lose the weight slowly.  Any fast weightloss will result in bounce back (and don't be afraid if you gain a little weight during it--it's called muscle mass which weighs more and burns more fat).

  4. Not eating is not good.  You will lose muscle not fat, everything in your body needs protein to survive and work properly, skin, nails, hair, brain, organs, etc...  Anorexics look like skin and bones because they are, the body ate the muscle first and saved the fat for energy to burn.  

    By doing this you will damage bones and organs only damaging your body.  If you want to lose weight you need a good nutrition program and exercise:

    Eating disorders start this way and if continued they not only damage your body they kill.  In the long run your entire body will be destroyed.  Be healthy not sick.  Good Luck!!

  5. would it matter?  you'd be killing yourself in the process, who cares what a corpse weighs?

  6. Go see your doctor, or a nutritionist.  Anorexics ALWAYS LOOK AWFUL.  The first thing they lose is muscle, so they PERCENTAGE of body fat can actually increase.  Their skin looks awful, as their body starts to digest itself they start to smell real bad, they may suffer hair loss, and can't think straight. Other than all that...

  7. Anorexia is a mental disorder, not something you can just 'do'.

    For God's sake.

  8. Too much, but more than that, you would seriously damage your organs, including your brain.  It is very dangerous, even life-threatening.

  9. this is idiotic.  

  10. you can't just "go" anorexic because anorexia is a disease of the MIND...not body. you're actions won't 'make' you anorexic, they will just make you an'extreme dieter'.

    if you already are terrified of eating, lose weight rapidly on a regular basis, and avoid food at all costs, i would say you already have the condition.

    if you want tips on how to not eat as much, motivation, etc i reccomend the site, or just search 'real girl thinspo', 'thinspiration', etc on


    but don't try to force yourself into an eating disorder. no matter what people tell you,  it's a lie that you can't 'give' yourself an eating disorder. i made the mistake 7 months ago of constantly surrounding myself with 'thinspiration' websites/blogs/pictures and after being exposed to alot of ana girls' thinking, i began to accept their ways and believe many of the lies they did & i now have anorexia (self diagnosed). it will sound far fetched to many, and i'm definately not proud of it, but it's the truth. just don't go down that path.

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