
If i were to hav my appendix removed, what are the symptoms?

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so that i may know tht i gotta go chek it out at the doctor's...




  1. you get really bad pains on the bottom ride side of your stomach, and you use the restroom a lot (number 2) haha

  2. You will not have a choice if it needs to be removed.  If you have  appendicitus you will have severe abdominal pain round your mid tummy,  the pain moves over to the low right side, and you are violently sick.

  3. There is no symptoms whatsoever, I have had my Gall Bladder and appendix's removed and I think I was really sick after the gall bladder than the appendix's.

    There is less pain to the appendix's than the gall bladder, you will feel alot better once its out.

    Good Luck

  4. As it was removed you wouldn't have any symptoms.

  5. None.

  6. I think you get a dull ache at the bottom right hand side of your abdomen.

  7. Well,when I had an appendicitis,here's what I had:

    I was in such excruciating pain that I could barely walk,and I wasn't feeling the best. I had a realli bad pain in my lower right abdomen,and it hurt to move.

    I wasn't feeling the best,I was quite ill. I wasn't getting sick or anything,just feeling miserable. I also couldn't eat because I was feeling so sick. I felt like I wanted to get sick,but I just couldn't.

    All night I was running hot and cold,hot and cold,and it even hurt when I layed down in bed,and when I took a breath. It was like I had a fever,but I didn't have a high temp.

    This went on for 2 days,and my mom took me to the doctors,and when we got there the doctor was like 'Omigod,your appendix is so swollen,it could burst @ any minute' LOL(well ok,it wasn't that funni,I could have died if it burst!) So anyway,she called the hospital to be ready for me,and I had to have emergency surgery.

    Apparently,the symptoms can vary,and I think the reason why I was in so much pain was because it was just about to burst. The doctors said that I should have been out of my mind with pain,but I have a high pain threshold as it is.

    Some of the symptoms are as follows:

    feeling nauseous/throwing up,

    fever/high temperature,

    pain in right lower abdomen(but the area can vary,but there is eventually pain in that area)

    and I dunno what else.

    I'd say,that if you think that it could be an appendicitis,get to a doctor ASAP.

    I hope I helped!!!!!


  8. This is what happened to me. I woke up at 4 in the morning which is quite unusual. I felt ill but just laid on the couch until about 9 am then told my mom (I was 16) and she took me to the doctor. I had a slight temp and a burning in my lower right stomach/side. They sent me for blood work and called back an hour later saying I needed emergency surgery. If you are really sick your white blood count will be really high which mine was. I didn't have an appetite but never felt as though I was going to vomit. I didn't end up having surgery until 7pm that night because there was no available dr.  

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