
If i were to join karate at the age of 22, how far can i go?

by  |  earlier

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let's take for example i'm interested in the sport part of it.

will i be good enough to compete, considering that probably its too late to 'bend the limbs' at that age?




  1. Of course you would be able to.

    You take part at any age.

    And you could almost 'bend the limbs' at any age.

    You don't necessarily have to be flexible to compete and win.

  2. I would like to welcome you in the magic healthy world of karate.

    First of all, come out of your age concept.

    I join shotokan karate at the age of 24 & now I am green belt in it & still learning.

    Most of the people thinks that they can not do karate because of their age but while I searched different people & site, I found that some very interested people join martial art at the age of 50. In our class one student is of 35 year old who is married & have two children.

    If you are wondering about you limbs or flexibility then be assured you are not late at all. In karate there are lots of exercises which will gradually increase your flexibility (By personnel experience). Within one or two month you will realize energy & strength in your body.

    Now just don't waste time. you are too young than me. Just go & join karate & have a wonderful experience.

  3. As an instructor let me say I would rather have a 22 year old join up than a 12 year old.

    Instructors actively seek children for students for one reason "that's where the money is" has nothing to do with ability or flexibility .

    In 1960 I started at age 20 which  at that time was about the normal age (18 to 30) .

    Martial arts had to be watered down to accept children which started occuring in the late 1960's .

    I am now 68 and am more flexible than 90% of the population including children .So it's never to late.

  4. my husband has 26 yrs in the martial arts and still can do the splits. so if you're consistent with your training and stretching anythings possible. if you were to stretch 3x a week for 2-3 months, by the end of that time, you will probably be able to do the splits, depending on how your body responds. i know this because he's had students that have been able to do so.

    full contact karate doesn't always depend on being flexible however, there are many strikes and kicks that don't require deep flexability. actually karate in competition utilizes more hands than kicks from what he's seen. but the more advanced you get, than you'll have the technique to be able to use your kicks along with your punches.

    hard work is always the key

    hope this helps!

    ~good luck with your training~

  5. yeah defo try it mi 13 years old and i recently started it, im the youngest in my class and some people have nly recently started and theyre like 30-50 year olds! really im not egaerating or anything so...i really reccomend it you give it a go! n wen u get there n if u dont enjoy it u dont HAVE to go back. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. you can go FAR no matter what age

    h**l i know ppl who joined at the age of 28 and made expert at 30

    all u need is motivation and determination.

  7. I think you should give it a try,

    chances are if you try hard at it, you'll do well.

    Go to a karate place and ask them about it, they'll give you better insight.

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