
If i were to work for children and youth services what would i be doing?

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If i were to work for children and youth services what would i be doing?




  1. I volunteer at an orphanage once a week. There are many other things I could be doing for social service,but why do I do it,and what do I do? I do it show I care for my society 2. I want to really bring kids who have lost there homes ,comfort and happiness in knowing that they have someone they can depend on and talk to . 3. Because  it sets a good example to others and to the kids themselves(depending on my attitude and character of course). I think these reasons could be applied to any job with youth and children. There are really tuns of things to do to help,but I would do it keeping these things in mind...

  2. Teaching them to stay away from drugs and gangs.  Life skills.  Working with them to get out of jail and stay out.  Many things.

    I have listed some links to different place in different part of the States hope these help.

  3. There are many things.  A social worker a children's advocate a member of a non profit like Big Brothers/Big sisters, sports programs,tutoring, probation officer, work in schools as a teacher or guidance councilor, what ever you would like to do

  4. fied kids better home to live in i think

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