
If i worked at a fast food place, how many weeks will it take me to be able to buy a $499 PS3?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well in australia the basic wage a week working in a fast food outlet is about 300 400 a week so if you were in australia you would have one in no time

  2. Depends on a lot of things man. Hours and days off. Say you work minimum wage which in CA is $8.75. Multiply that with lets say 9 hours a day. Multiply that by 7 then by 4 and you got...A PS3!!!!!!!

  3. 4 pay checks maybe 3 the hole pay check

  4. Not very long. I work at a pizza place, make minimum wage and only work like three-four days a week. I'm still making like 500-550 bucks a month.

  5. what is your net income? how much do you make an hour?

  6. only one day.. on your first day at the end of your shift just empty out the cash register, tell them you quit and go home.. if it was a busy day you should have plenty of cash to buy lots of games, extra controllers, cables and even a new hdtv to play them on..

  7. too long... get a better job and learn to budget our money in a better way than buying overpriced gaming consoles. I workin retail and watch people waste their money on that c**p every day.Its not worth it. The console is expensive and all the good games are 60 bucks a pop.

  8. About a month or two

  9. It will take 62.5 hours which would take about 2 or 3 weeks. They would probaly only let you work part time. Which is up to around 30 hours.

  10. i work at fast food. and lets say i make 7/hr.

    and lets say my check is about 400 every two weeks.

    so there u go! all u need is a hundred more and wa la u got it!

    so to answer ur question. it will take u three weeks if the place you work at pays every week. if they pay you every two weeks, then it will take a month.

  11. Not very long

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