
If iam banned in the uk iam i banned in ireland also is the DVLA swansea linked to the Irish driving agency?

by  |  earlier

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i have 3 licences my rep of ireland my international and my chinese also what about europe or is it only england and wales the reason i ask is that i lived in asia for 3 years but iam going home soon and i will be travelling around europe and uk




  1. Unfortunately not as yet.  The EC has been very slow on this, and the protocol to introduce EC wide band though drafted in 1998 has not yet entered force.  As regards UK/ Irish republic co-operation, a bi lateral agreement will be introduced ahead of the EC initiative (which may be what Vortiger is thinking about), but even that will not enter force until Spring 2009 (amybe why the Gardai don;t enforce it!!!).  So alas for other drivers it appears you are okay to drive on your irish licence around Ireland and Europe...

    Edit: But remember Northern Ireland will be covered by your UK ban

  2. A deal has been brokered between the UK and Irish Govts for co-operation; so that a ban in one country will be enforced in the other too.

  3. Your Irish Licence will still allow you to drive in R.O.I

  4. as far as i'm concerned, a driving ban means that, a ban from driving until it expires, no matter where or on what license.. try it you want but if you get caught, be prepared for a fine.....

  5. I don't know, but I would think that you can only drive in other countries with a valid driving licence and if you're banned then you don't have one, although if you have other licence that aren't banned on, then use those instead of the one you're banned with.

    People at DVLA seem like idiots as they managed to spell my name wrong twice, as they spelt Suzanne as Susanne and when I complained they spelt it Suzzanne when I had written it correct on the form. I doubt they know how to pass the info on to Ireland.

  6. I have a friend that has both a British and Irish driving license and he got banned from driving in Britain and  he just continued driving on his Irish license.He had to take out a fresh insurance though.He got away with it but I don't know if that had something to do with the luck of the Irish or not.

      Edit Vortiger may well be correct,This happened about twelve years ago.

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