
If ice-cream melts is it still ice-cream?

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If ice-cream melts is it still ice-cream?




  1. i would say its just a sweetened cream.

    technically you can't have icecream with out frozen cream... its like saying that chocolate milk still should be called chocolate milk even when its just milk, and missing the chocolate.

  2. yes

  3. well it looks like cream or yogurt

    but its jst melted ice cream

  4. lol...

    Yeah, it's MELTED ice cream... =p

  5. No its a Milkshake.

  6. Yes it is just melted.

  7. nope, just cream

  8. No lad its just cream after that.

  9. Well yeah just the temp of the ice cream has changed unless you are eating soft serve  which tastes much better than regular icecream.

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