
If im 15 and she's 15 is it legal?

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Hypothetically speaking if im 15 yeas old and she's 15 is it legal for us to have s*x. If not then would we both go to jail or what how would that work?




  1. No it is illegal. Why do children want s*x anyway?

  2. The age of concent is 16 which means no s*x till your 16 for it to be legal if your both under 15 the boy gets in trouble

  3. Illegal. Don't do it.

  4. No it's still illegal until you're both 16  but if caught you won't go to jail.(UK)

  5. Depends on the age of consent in your state.  If it is above 15, then you could be charged with a s*x crime.

  6. do it!!!

  7. If you have to worry about whether or not it's legal, don't you think that you should rethink the whole situation?  

  8. no u'll go to jail at 15y.o for charges of violation of the girl

  9. nope not legal

    but who cares..just dont get caught

  10. As long as it is completely consensual s*x... then yes. It is perfectly legal to have s*x.

    However, watch out for the parents.... if they find out you will probably get in major trouble.... plusssss.... if you p**s this girl off.... she's very likely to tell on you, claiming rape or making you out to be a selfish man-pig.

    Be very careful dude. Think with the head on your shoulders.... not the one in your pants.

  11. who cares if its legal i seriously doubt that cops r on the lookout for teenes having s*x lol now be conserned if u r gunna be in the police parking lot otherwize u realy think they will come find u in ur room or her's?

  12. Depends on where you live.

    Here in Australia it is legal to have s*x if you're both 15 because your age is within 2 years of each other.

    You will have to check your state's laws :)

  13. Well, sounds to me like you are looking to do some cradle robbing! How sad what you can't find someone your age, are you that in mature? No one wants to know if  it "WOULD" have been legal to have s*x at 15 with a 15 yr old ! I hope you get caught!  

  14. the legal age for s*x in most places is 16, however there is a close in age exception where people aged 13-15 can have s*x with someone less then 5 years older then them.

    It is illegal for someone 18+ to have s*x with anyone under 16.

  15. most often it is considered not unlawful, but it is not legal as none of you would be able to give consent.

    so it would really come down to where you are when it happened. most often if you where 1 day older then you would be the one done and most often the police do not go after them unless the parents are really pushing for it

    but that is really pending on where you are in the would  

  16. Technecally, you're both legal.

    Wait, should you be having s*x if you don't even know what legal is?!

  17. Yes it is legal because the both of you are the same age. Besides why the h**l would you want to have s*x now you should be smart and wait you have your whole lives ahead of you why s***w it up now.

  18. Its legal. They cant tell you that you cant have s*x if you are both under the age of 18. If she was 15 and you were 18....then it would be statch rape! lol But for now...your coo.  

  19. WHY??? you are sooo young!!!! wait until you fall in love? what happened to falling in love then making love. To answer your question it is illegal to have s*x under the age of 18. No one listens to it. I know I didn't. But just wait until you are in love with her and she is in love with you. Trust me. It will make it much more special if you make love to someone you LOVE.

  20. First of all, to answer this question. one should know which country are you from? Every country has its own set of rules for s*x. So let us know the country are you from then only we can comment on anything

  21. It's completely illegal for you to be having s*x. The one and only thing that would make it legal is if you two were to get married. The term for this is statutory rape, even though you guys are both willing to have s*x. You are both under the age of consent. Punishment varies in your state and what your parents decide.

  22. Hypothetically speaking, I'm pretty sure its legal, but it varies by state.

  23. It's actually illegal for you two to have s*x. However, if a case were to go before course, what would end up happening is both parties would have the ability to file similar charges against each other, and depending on the judge, both would either win or lose. Either way, it would require both of your parents to conspire against each other at the risk of your legal future. No parent would do that do you when the stakes are that high, especially since it would cost them a couple hundred dollars each to higher a judge and all that. It would be a total illogical waste of time.

    Basically, you're fine.  

  24. Actually it varies from state to state. Believe it or not there are some states in which you could actually go to jail for having s*x with a 15 year old even though you are 15. However, it would never be enforced if that was the only issue.

    However, lets say there was another issue like she accused you of rape. If the police believed you were guilty of rape but could not prove it they might prosecute you for s*x with a minor which they could prove.

  25. Only if you live in South Carolina -- that's the only state in the United States where 15 year olds have the right of consent.  Any other state -- you're a s*x offender.

  26. Your too young, but theres nothing i can do to stop you.

    if you want to go ahead your only ruining your teen years.

    theres other things that you can do other then s*x, uhm you could make out. do you really want to be a father at that age.

  27. Depends on where you live, but where i live 18 is the legal age. but i mean, if you had s*x and shes pregnant you wont be charged with anything because you are a minor. if you were 18 and she was 15 and got pregnant, you would go to jail where i live =] you shouldnt be having s*x anyways!

  28. It would honestly depend on the state you are from. Some this is prefectly legal, others you both could be charged with sexually abusing the other.

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