
If im 17 and i tell my doctor i am sexually active, will he tell my parents?

by  |  earlier

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i thought no, but some of my friends have said that they did and the doctor told their parents because they were minors and then had a parents and kids s*x talk, i dont want my parents to know, but i want to be honest with my doc. any ideas?




  1. Be honest with your doctor...and let the chips fall where they may...your parents probably know already, or suspect that you are sexually active.

  2. Tough dilemma, but best advice....DON'T LIE TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!  You can end up in worse trouble if you try to bullsh*t the doc.  Good luck.

  3. he wont tell trust me

  4. Your doctor can't tell your parents unless it is doing harm to you or others... I guess rape? but other than that I dont think they can tell your parents... Its like some doctors oath or something.

  5. First of all, if you tell your dr., make sure you also tell him that your conversation is just between the 2 of you. I believe tho, that because of the new HPPA laws, dr's cannot legally talk to your parents. But just to be sure, make sure you tell him to keep it quiet, and if he is a cool dr, he won't say anything, he will help you.

  6. It depends on the doctor and the situation. If you have an STD or youre pregnant... well, youre a guy so you wouldnt be But it depends on the doctor also. Like my doctor was like are you sexually active? [which im not]. And theyre like, I wont tell your parents. There's that whole doctor patient confidentially thing. Youre entitled to your privacy no matter how old you are. But, again youre a guy, so the doctor wont really be able to tell unless you think you have an STD you need to talk to a doctor then.

  7. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won't. It depends on the situation.

  8. Kayla, how the h**l is he supposed to figure out whether he has an std if he doesn't tell the doctor he's sexually active?  Dumbass.

  9. It depends on the doctor.  Some will, some won't.

    He/she probably will, though, so be prepared for a s*x confrontation with the parents.  Hopefully it'll be one of those awkward talks which will be like, "Do you use protection?" and just say "Yes." and they'll say "Make sure to check for STDs next time." and you'll say, "Okay."  Then your girlfriend calls you on your cell phone and tells you that she's pregnant and has herpes and then it gets all silent.

  10. no he can't because of  patient/dr. confidentiality you are entrusting info to your dr. so the dr. can't tell your parents.  it is like when a person under 18 goes to counseling the parents of that child can't call the counselor and ask what they talked about.

    just make sure that your parent isn't in the room...if your parent is in the room they are obviously allowed to hear any info possible.

    but they are not supposed to tell your parents anything unless it is life threatning because your parents would be the ones who carry the insurance.

  11. omg i have never seen such a wuzzy..i cant believe ure going to tell ure docotor ure sexually active..lie to him. if u dont want ure parents to know dont tell him the truth..thats wat a normal teenager would do

  12. if u ask him not to tell

  13. tell him if you really want to, but tell him not to tell your parents

    i dont know why you would trust a doctor more then your parents

  14. Anything that you tell your doctor after the age of 16 is supposed to be confidential. Ask him when you go in about doctor/patient confidentiality if you are nervous.

  15. Cos' you're 17, he might. Just tell him not to.

    If you have STDs on the other hand, they (ur parents) should really know.

  16. first i suggest against premarital s*x, only because you WILL regret it once you are married, both men and women wish they could turn back time, to wait for those they end up with.....

    if you fear doctors, tho i suguest you be truthfull, maybe something like planned parenthood will be helpful. They will not inform parents, unless their is some leagal issue in your state.

    .....dont have s* many of my friends (straight) got infected with aids because their "love" had an affair, didnt tell them, and.... well they end up with aids..... i know of 3 people personally who were....given a death sentance by people they thought loved them....

  17. You can straight out ask your doctor not to but legally if something happened and they asked, as long as you are a minor, he is obligated. You could try going to a planned parenthood until you are 18?

  18. just say no then when ur 18 ur free to go.... unless u have an STD then tell them

  19. I'm sure if you tell him / her that you're sexually active, but want to keep it on the down low, they will respect that. Unless something is physically wrong with you, they shouldn't tell your parents if you ask them not to.

  20. There is supposed to be doctor-patient confidentiality, even if you're under-age.

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