
If im 18 and my X-gf is 17 and prego, can she adopt out our child w/o my concent?

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she is 7months along, and she dont want the kid, but she doesent want me to have it either, she says cuz shes underage i have no rights, and they all go to her mother, HELP . what can i do

ps. i live in arkansas, because adoption laws are different from state to state




  1. You have rights to your child so make sure you register your interest on the putative father's registry (if one exists for your State)

    The child cannot be adopted without your consent.  If she pretends she doesn't know who the father is watch carefully for the legal notices asking for a father to come forward that the facilitator is legally obliged to put out before an adoption can be finalized

    Also be aware that many unethical adoption facilitators have the mother 'jump state' to get around father's rights.  Utah is high on the list of where they 'run' so register your interest as a father there also.

    Good luck.

  2. put it up for adoption

  3. awww she sounds like a bi*ch

    I tink shes chattin sh*t  your the bio logical father you could easily win custody if she wanted to get it adopted

    good luck

    i really hope you get the baby x

  4. Most courts would not deny a biological father.  They would need your signature on the birth certificate as well as the forms.

    Call the hospital or adoption agency she's working with and check around.  Talk to a lawyer, there is legal help for people who can't afford it.  You'll need to speak with social services.  Look in the phone book.

  5. Unfortunately, father's rights get trampled on in so many situations like this.Aside form knowing your state's laws, this is what you should to do:

    You need to register with the "PUTATIVE FATHER REGISTRY" in Arkansas (and every other state that has one if you want to be really safe) IMMEDIATELY.


    You NEED show support for the mother during the pregnancy by attending any medical appointments (if she will allow you to come) and helping her pay medical costs associated with the pregnancy and delivery. KEEP YOUR RECIPTS!!

    You should be present at the delivery (if possible) and SIGN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE ASAP.

    Ask for a paternity test as soon as possible.

    Keep records of your actions, interactions with others involved, and any and all paperwork. (IE: Receipts, letters, phone logs, etc.)

    Have a plan for parenting his child and a healthy and able support system. (Parenting classes, etc.) KEEP RECORDS!! You should be prepared to show this plans to a Judge if your parenting preparedness is called into question.

    I would also highly suggest that you retain a lawyer

    If you need them, go ahead and sign up with your local social  programs. (DSS, WIC, etc.)

    You have EVERY RIGHT to raise your child and receive assistance to do so from the child's mother (child support, etc.).

    Get in touch with some Father's Rights Groups. Fathers for Justice (F4J) and Fathers Supporting Fathers can help you a great deal!

    Check the local papers regularly to look for notices by publication. If she manages to have the child in secerecy and tries to place the child, most places require public notice given in cases of adoption with an unnamed father.

    If you have "Safe Haven" laws, you should file a claim with your local Courts just in case she is truly heartless and tries to dump the baby at a firestation or hospital. "Safe Haven" laws seem to have forgotten about this type of possibility.

    Do some research into "Natural Family Preservation' - you will find other good tips as well as support.

    And to ease your mind, your ex's mother has NO rights to your child.

    I hope that you gain custody that the mother will eventually come around and be a positive part of her child's life and that you will encourage and allow this!

    Good luck to you and your family!

    ETA: AND STAY CLEAN!! They can and will test you AT COURT!!

  6. i thought you have to sign papers as well for the adoption process, i may be wrong!

    get a lawyer! get your rights!

  7. Yeah, i think so. But that would still depend if you want a say.

  8. First you can start supporting the child now.  Are you paying for medical visits or sending $ to the mother for food and maternity clothes?  

    Second, Are you prepared to have all the things necessary for the baby, like a crib, clothes, bottles, diapers, etc?  

    Next, who is going to work?  Who is going to care for the baby?

    Have you figured any of that out?

    If you've done all that then go talk to a family attorney and figure out what you can do.

    Maybe you'll learn to keep it in your pants until you get married so this won't happen again.

  9. Her mother has no rights.  You need a lawyer if you want custody of your child. While legally, she is required to notify you of an adoption, many agencies manage to get around that fairly easily.

  10. Ok, first of all you need to find out about laws in your state regarding statutory rape.  I think might be ok, though.  You are less than 20 and your ex is over 16.

    With regards to your rights as a father.  The biological father of a child has the same rights as the mother.  She has the right to terminate her claim to the child and so do you.  I believe if she terminates, you have the right to claim the baby and there's nothing she can do about it.  If you go that route, however, be prepared for a battle.  You may have to submit to DNA testing to prove you are the father and you will probably come under scrutiny from the state to make sure you will be a fit parent.

    If you decide to terminate as well then keep in mind that you have the right to a say in which agency you use and what kind of adoption you have.

    There are some  web sites listed below as well as an 800 number you can call.  They will provide more info and also may offer free legal counsel.

  11. If she claims that she doesn't know who the father is, she can give it up without your consent. In arkansas, when the mother and father are not married, the mother has all the rights.

    Get a lawyer and be d**n sure that you are in the hospital when the child is born. She can't claim you are not the father if you are there to contest it.

  12. This is wonderful that you have a job and are able to support a newborn. Have you gotten an apartment or are you still living with mom and dad? I hope you plan on selling your xbox because caring for a baby gives you NO time to play Halo 3. If you really want to raise your child and not doing this to punish his/her mother you need to make a commitment.

    Your child will depend soley on you. You do not have to be perfect but you do need to be emotionally available. Can you love someone unconditional without considering your own needs? If so then parent your child.

    If you want to keep your child and raise him/her why don't you start by supporting your child's mother. Maybe she considered adoption because you were neither emotional or financially supportive during the pregnancy. You do not have to romantically be with her in order to be a parent to your child. You also need to check to see if their is a putative father's registry in your state.

  13. I am 99% sure that if she tries to give the baby up for adoption that she will have to get your consent or the agency will contact you because they are not going to want any legal issues. You should call around lawyers and see someone that has free consultations. They can normally give you good advice to get started.


  14. Get an attonery and adopt the child.


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