
If im a right handed what golf clubs do i purchase? right handed or left handed clubs?

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If im a right handed what golf clubs do i purchase? right handed or left handed clubs?




  1. in traditional golf....


    when you take your stance to hit a ball and your left shoulder is closer to the flag than your right, you too are a right handed golfer.

    HOWEVER, though i am a right handed golfer, i am left handed at everything else, and when i was taught by my dad and it was being determined which side i was going to hit from, suddenly my natural lefthandedness felt easier and instinctively made more sense hitting as a traditional right hander would hit.

    SO TO hitting left handed, though its SUPPOSEDLY commonly known as right handed!

    HOWEVER im willing to bet if right handers learned to play the game from the beginning as a "lefty" i'd be willing to bet money that if each put away the superstitions of lefthanded labels and played the game.....i'd bet suddenly there would be an overtaking in the golf world of "lefthanded" scratch golfers.....

    (psssst....i still call what i do as lefthanded and the rest of the worlds got it wrong,

    so if you ask me on the tee, i'd tell you you were lefthanded (the needling genre opens doors here)

    and i wouldnt be lying cause i play left handed and yet its the same as a righthander such as yourself.

    confused yet???

    simpliest terms....if you want to fall in the same/same category of golfing right handed lefties....go for it....!!!!

    think about this....if all your power is on your right, all your control on your right, .....and "IF' you set up like a lefthander would......then suddenly like "MOI", at the end of my shot ......were has all the power gone? to my dominant side!!!!

    from my right to my left and in your case (as a left handed golfer mind you) from your left to your right.

    and also i have the advantage of.......when my shot is in the posing stage, my left side was in charge of sending everything to my left and im a lefthander....aaaaand it happens to be pointing at the flag....hmmmm NOW WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO REVERSE THIS POLARITY?

    golf is toooooo complicated without STARTING RIGHT HANDERS OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT HOLDING A HAND WEDGE NOT KNOWING STILL>>>>>>how to hit a sandwedge

    so henceforth, "when Tiger wants to switch hands, the world better watch out!

    sincerely                              THOR

  2. You will probley want to get right-handed clubs, but try them out first.  I am left-handed and wish I was right just because it is so hard to find clubs.

  3. id say right dude.well phil was a righty but started swinging using his left hand.for you, youd better purchase right handed clubs

  4. 99% of right handed people will play with right handed clubs.  But I often thought it might be better to play left handed as then your right arm and hand would lead through the ball and since they are dominant it might work out better.  Why don't you go with left handed clubs since you don't know how to play anyway and let us know how it works out?

  5. Most likely right-handed. It is possible to golf the opposite way of what you do everything else.  I'm sure it's rare though. For example, my brother is left-handed, but swings a golf club right-handed. So try the clubs wherever you intend on buying them and goes with what feels natural. Like I said though, you're probably right handed.

  6. The most popular clubs by far are right handed clubs. You will have a hard time finding left handed clubs. But you should try both if your not sure. Use the ones that feel the best.

    For those of you that think this is a stupid question, just remember that Phil Mickelson is right handed but he plays left handed. He also happens to be one of the best players to ever play the game.

  7. you will usually get right handed clubs, but some people prefer left handed even though they are right handed, try and see which one feels better to you.

  8. A lady golfer I know who is right handed switched from L handed to R handed recently...weird or what!  And Phil Mickelson is right handed, just plays southpaw.

  9. Please tell me your not serious!

    If you are serious then please tell me the next time your playing as I don't want to be behind you.

  10. Well it depends on which feels more natural. I am left-handed but I Golf Right-handed. I suggest you got to a sporting goods store and make a slow careful swing with each type right and left and see which feels more natural.

  11. right

  12. Is this a trick question? About 99% of right handed people get right handed clubs.

  13. right handed. It will be a lot easier to pick up.

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