
If im a virgin should i bleed when i use tampons? because i don't.?

by Guest60738  |  earlier

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whats it mean?




  1. no you shouldn't bleed and it shouldn't hurt to use them read the warning in the box about tampons though so you know if you are having a problem. and also be careful who you  think are doctors on here. some are some aren't. I am just a mom of 5 kids :)

  2. What do you mean should you bleed?

    If you're on your period then you bleed.....What are you talking about?

  3. when inserting a tampon, you shouldnt bleed from it entering :) You're inserting it correctly if you're not bleeding

  4. Edit:

    Trying them out so you know how to use them is okay, but you don't want to leave them there unnecessarily. There is an insert that comes with the package that explains the risks of developing TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) and other illnesses from improper usage. Be sure to read it very thoroughly, and follow it's instructions carefully.

    There should be no bleeding other than the blood from your menstrual cycle.

    If you have any concerns about this sort of thing, you should never be afraid to ask a female adult you trust for help. They all went through this, and know how hard it can be.

  5. why don't you just wear a pad? why insert anything if you haven't started bleeding?

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