
If im on my moms insurance and i get in a wreck will her insurance raise or mine?

by  |  earlier

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plz help me out




  1. well since you are on her policy, that policy will go up.  if you go out and get your own policy, then your policy would go up and your moms would not.  if you have the accident, it follows you and whatever policy you are listed on will get the points

  2. The answer could well be, "Yes."

    Obviously, if your mom is paying for the insurance it's HER rates that will rise. However, once you have an accident on your record you'll find YOUR own insurance will be higher when you get your own policy.

  3. the premium amount will go up in general.. the accident goes under your license information.. of course it also depends who is at fault and the amount $ of the accident, etc

  4. Both, hers now and yours later, so don't get in a wreck.

  5. hers



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