
If im on the pill, he wears a condom, and i take plan b within 24 hours can i get pregnant?

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If im on the pill, he wears a condom, and i take plan b within 24 hours can i get pregnant?




  1. Yes, there is always a chance for you getting pregnant no matter what you do.

  2. yes, you always have the risk

  3. Yeah but the odds are ridiculously low. I wouldn't even worry about taking Plan B. That's uber paranoid but do what you feel the need to do.

  4. I think you're ok with being on the pill and using condoms.  

  5. With all of those protective measures, it is VERY unlikely, but there remains a small chance.  Nothing is 100% effective, though I imagine your plan is about 99.99%.

  6. I'm sure that taking the Plan B pill is quite unnecessary in this case. That's too much for your body. It's not good to be using pills AND take those Plan B pills. So, I believe the possibility of your becoming pregnant in this particular case is 0%. (since you took/did all 3 things) Please don't worry.

    I also want to add that don't make a habit of taking bc pills AND plan B pills. You could feel sick from all that in your system. I read that a plan B pill has enough hormone for a month worth of bc pills.

  7. Slight possibility. Take the pill at all times.. don't rely on the condom.

  8. I guess anything would be possible.  But you are taking steps to minimize the risk.  xox

  9. I would say that the pill and a condom would be enough to protect you from pregnancy. Plan B may or may not counter act the pill. I am not sure. But you should ask your doctor about this as he would know more about the effects of the pill and plan B.

  10. If you're on the pill and he uses a condom, that should be enough protection.  But if you are that worried about pregnancy....I would think twice about having s*x in the first place.

  11. Why would you get plan B if you're already on the pill and he wore a condom? You're fine.  

  12. Its very slim but yes, any kind of s*x runs the risk of pregnancy. The best way to not get pregnant is still abstinence but if you're being safe (and it sounds like you are) you should be OK. Just make sure you always take your BC and he always wears a condom. Plan B is usually just for those rare occasions when you forget a pill.

  13. the virgin mary didn't even have s*x......and she found her self pregnant. if you are that worried you will have a child, don't have s*x in the first place. condoms break and the pill doesn't work with every ones body. the plan b pill is a serious medication and not something to take with out considering the side affects and moral stigmas. my point is anything is possible and it doesn't sound like you are in a place to handle the responsibilities.

  14. If you're taking the pill on a regular basis every single day as directed, the condom isn't damaged in any way or doesn't come off and you are sure you take the plan b as directed, then I would think it would have to be the biggest miracle ever to conceive.

  15. You sound mature, responsible and informed - I think you know your protection is very adequate

    Good for you!

    All The Best


  16. You may as well play the lottery while you're at it because that's far more likely to happen given the odds.

  17. NO! I would honestly not even worry with plan B but if you insist...

  18. yes you could on sugar pills

  19. be for and i both know that there is no chance at are extra cautious...thats a good you cant get pregnant.

  20. Yes, make him pull out too.

  21. pregnancy is always possible when s*x is involved.


    if your do all that you will minimise your chances by heaps

    glad to hear someone is being responsible

    (don't take plan b unless you have to not good for your system and can give you nausea

  22. nothing is ever impossible but you are on the pill wore a condom and took plan b...and plan b is 89% i think your ok

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