
If im packing alot of shoe boxes would it be better if i?

by  |  earlier

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Put them in trash bags. or big boxes?




  1. If these are being moved by a moving company, BOX.

    Bags will be in shreds.

    A box about 36+" X 24 +" will hold about 30-36 shoe boxes.

  2. Don't overlook using the space inside the shoe boxes.

    (around the shoes)

    You can put socks or other small items in them,

    and save a box or two.

  3. You own too many shoes.  Keep only what a sane person would need and donate the rest.

  4. I would think Trash bags.

  5. yes you should put them in a trash bag because you probley dont save shoe boxes, and the only thing you can do is possibly recycle them. :)

  6. Trash bags.

    Well, whatever gives you more room.

  7. Trash bags will get torn by the corners and you will be left with a pile of shoes. Get a big moving box and they're easy to "tetris" in there. So you will have one big box not 6 half ripped trash bags.

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