
If im the highest bider on ebay, does that mean i have to buy it no matter what if i win?

by  |  earlier

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I dont have pay pal




  1. Why would you bid if you can't/don't want to pay for an item?  

  2. Why would you want to bid on something if you are not planning on buying it??  You should check with the terms of each sell before you bid that way if they don't except anything but pay pal you Can bid on something else.  But it is a contract when you bid on something, and you are obligated to pay.

  3. Yes.  It is part of the terms and conditions of e-bay

  4. You are legally binded my ebay contract which means yeah you have to pay. On the other hand if you dont pay you will end up getting bad feedback from the users.

    But there loads of people who dont pay if you dont pay for an item serveral times then yeah you account will get blocked.

    you could email or contact them saying that you do not have paypal and will they accept anything else. If they cant you can always come to an arrangement to leave netural feedback for each other.

  5. What is the purpose of bidding if you are not going to buy? Every one who is interested  names his price and if you want the item badly enough you will go higher. If you do, it is yours. Isn't that one of the conditions of getting onto e-Bay ?

  6. If you don't have paypal, get it. It is worth it. IT is very rude not to pay if you win. Not only have you made the bids go higher, with each of your bids, but you have also tarnished your name if you don't pay. Ebay will remember and dissallow future purchases if you do this often. Paypal cost five bucks. Its worth it. And to answer your question, YES you do have to buy if you win.

  7. wats that have 2 do with golf

  8. Not a golf question, but if you didn't want to buy the item why bid on it in the first place?  You are obligated to buy if you are the highest bidder.

  9. Don't be "THAT GUY"

    If you bid on the item, pay the seller!

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