
If im throwing a going to college/birthday hotel party..should i book a cheap motel or hotel? less risky?

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Im thinking of throwing a going to college/less birthday party in august..I will be turning 20..My budget is very tight..what would be less risky throwing the party at a hotel or a motel?? about 20 people




  1. You will have a difficult time finding a hotel to rent to you, most states mandate a guest be at least 21 to legally rent a room.  Also most hotels do not allow parties, and you will run the risk of being thrown out without a refund and/or being arrested.  You would be better off having the party at your home.

  2. When they first appeared on the scene, motels, or "motor hotels" were found along highways and had parking lots, while traditional hotels were in the cities and did not. This distinction no longer holds true, as most hotels now offer parking lots.

    Wherever you hold your party, your best bet is to try to prevent it from getting too rowdy, specifically by controlling the consumption of alcohol and other drugs.

  3. Find something cheap here and party hardy:

  4. In a hotel I think you'd be less likely to get caught, because it's enclosed. You wouldn't want to do it at a motel cuz you'd have people runnin in and out of the rooms and everyone (cops) would be able to see that. That'd be really bad especially if there's underage drinkin goin on :D Have fun!

    P.S... Sleep Inn, Comfort Inn, and maybe Holiday Inn are pretty inexpensive, so try one of those places. Good luck!

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