
If in a few years everyone is driving electric cars or 'hybrids',what will happen to the price of electricity?

by Guest66799  |  earlier

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They're talking about cars coming out in less than two years that can go at least 40 miles on their battery alone.

This would mean a lot of us could get two and from work each day with no gasoline whatsoever.

If we're all driving cars like these, and plugging them into our houses each night, what will happen with the price of electricity?




  1. The same thing: going up like the price of gas. Can you imagine our electric bills on top of normal household usage? I am not clear on what direction we need to take on this one.

  2. First of all just because the electric car will be there doesnt mean that all of a sudden everybody will own one.  It will take some time for these electric cars to become common on the streets.  Not to mention the vast majority of these cars will be charged at night when the demand on the electricity grid is tiny compared to the day.  Its not like overnight we are going to see double digit increases in electricity demand.  In Ontario and BC and I assume the odd American state has something called standard offer contract.  Its where if you are starting a 10MW or less renewable energy generating station the power authority will pay you a certain fee guaranteed over 20 years.  In Ontario it is currently set at 11c per kwh.  The responce has been incredible, and with more jurisdictions starting similar programs we will see marked increases in RE.  Im sure enough to cover the needs of these electric cars.

  3. To Be honest,It will take a little time to find the answer for the question of yours.have a look at the resource here for your reference .

  4. Like everything else, the cost of utilities is bound to increase. Either with the falling dollar or cost to generate these utilities. Hybrid or no hybrid, that's going to increase.

    The transportation system in the United States is terribly inefficient. To save the economy, US needs to

    1. Improve its public transportation system

    2. Change the way we think & drive

    Americans love the highway and their cars but unfortunately, I believe we will see either way smaller cars (micro cars) or people in cities not buying cars at all.

    Hybrid is just a temporary solution and electric cars are still a long way away. I don't think Hybrid will not be a reason why electric will go up, it will go up regardless.

  5. It will go up, but at a much faster rate than the last 10 years. I predict your electricity bill will triple as soon as you plug your hybrid into the charger. Besides, who knows how long the charge will last if you get stuck in traffic on a hot day or your car (hybrid) exceeds 4 years of age? The bigger question is who will supply the electricity when we know in the past that many areas of the United States experience "blackouts" and "brownouts" when demand exceeds supply as people turn on their air conditioners during the hot summer months.

  6. They will go up, but not astronomically high. Even the US produces about 50% of its electricity with coal fired power plants. It is not exactly that much cleaner. Fully electric cars are not cleaner than gasoline cars. The battery is very toxic and acidic. Plug in electric cars are more of a gimmick for people who do not know where electricity comes from. It just means there car is powered by 50% coal and the rest from nuclear, gas, hydro, wind, etc. People will eventually catch on to the car manufacturers and cars running fully on electricity will not catch on in the US or Canada for a while. Basically the price of electricity will not go up much,

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