I received my papers for my divorce and in it, it says he pays no child support yet the kids live with me except for two weeks a year. Right now I have no income so I'm living off family in the state of North Carolina. He still lives in Illinois. It also says he can claim two of our four children and of course he picked the younger two. I feel this is very wrong. He pays no support and then gets earned income tax credit for them. I can't go back to Illinois until my parole is over to my max out date because I left state. So I can't go there and disagree until then. Do I just ride it out then dispute it later? I have never signed anything. He filed the divorce and gave me joint custody where they permanatly live in the state of North Carolina. I just feel like hes taking advantage of my children, me, and the states money.. Very unfair Just need some help if some one can.