
If in the event of war, no one wants to fight?

by Guest56573  |  earlier

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If during the conscription, most men on both sides or all sides refuse to join the war because they are against it, what would happen? Ruling out hiring mercenaries from other countries. Would the state arrest all of the men, as that would be ironic and impractical? Has this ever happened in history?




  1. Our army is already so thinly stretched we have NO "hope" of fighting the Russians.

  2. That won't happen in America.

  3. enemy at the gates movie. soviet union shot their own troops to scare the rest to attack the frontlines. in military cowardice and desertion is punishable by death.  

  4. It would not be war if there is no one to fight.

  5. Unfortunately your on planet earth and human nature rules here. And as long as we're human there will always be war. Sad fact of life, but there it is.

  6. The government would reinstate the draft.You will be given 2 choices.Go fight for your country or 25 years in prison.That was the choices we had in the 60's and 70's.Some of us went to Canada,Mexico,Australia,and all over Erupt.Draft dodgers,Traders,No we did not wont to fight a war started by the French.To many young men died in a war not knowing why they w***e there.

  7. during the first world war in the trenches the British and the Germans had a truce during Christmas sharing drinks and food and singing Christmas Carols.

    When the truce was over the refused to fire on their new mates so the Germans and British Moved their troops 500 yards to their right thus ensuring they were 1000 yards apart

    and continued the War

    that is the best i know of    

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