
If indeed the troops were drawn out of Iraq where would they find jobs and stuff? Or has nobody thought of it?

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If indeed the troops were drawn out of Iraq where would they find jobs and stuff? Or has nobody thought of it?




  1. Rather strange question this, for two major reasons one been has McCain or Obama ever stated what the plan would be for that event. the other one is as someone says the system at present cannot cope as it is and something should be done really. I hope you raise that with your elected reprasentive and push for better care of these men and women who will need help when returning.

  2. They're in the army, surely that IS their job!

  3. good point. nobody has adddressed this fact

  4. The military IS their job. We don't have to be actively at war to need a well trained and ready military. They would come home and return to what they were doing prior to the war. Not only that, but they are desperately needed in Afghanistan which has been sorely neglected in favor of Iraq.

  5. Not to mention, the majority of these guys will have issues when they get back. The veteran's medical care situation is a shameful disgrace.  They'll need care before they can get back into a society that has no use for their skills.  

  6. If you are military you may have noticed it is addressed.  Soldiers are given employers who prefer to hire military or ex-military.  There have been commercials on television noting this as well.  However, to assume no one has thought of it is arrogant.  And to consider continuing in an armed police action because of lack of jobs is idiotic.

  7. I think that they will do what they have always done, return them to their bases and continue training. This is regarding the Regular Army and Marine units.

    However you have to remember a portion of the troops involved are National Guard units and they will return home and return to their jobs and families.

  8. There are plenty of UN causes that need peace keepers, they could be used there until needed by our country. We are members of the UN after all:)

  9. we can put them all on welfare, and ssi

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