
If inflation has gone up 30% because of the devaluation of the dollar doesnt that mean wages need to increase?

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if your minimum wage is 7$ hr that means your state needs to increase minimum wage by 30% or your acutal wage has decreased

if you made 7$ hr deduct 30% of that to compare your wage to last year

if you make 8$ hr you should be making almost 3$ hr MORE that 11$ an hr. if you are not making that much, you lost income

its better not to work at all go on strike, call in sick and stop paying bills, admit bankruptcy and tell our president and congress to go to h**l.

no one is a slave in a free society,




  1. The devaluation of the dollar only effect imports and has only a limited effect on the US inflation rate. Most of what we spend our money on is domestic services which  varies with wages not the exchange   rate.  As a nation we have been living  on money borrowed  from foreigners and we have maxed out our credit so our standard of living will decline somewhat but not 30%. The problem of stagnating  wages  is not recent but has been goning on since 1980 as income inequality has increased.

  2. Of course. But do you think they will? If they did, prices would rise again. Those who are in control are not going to let anyone cut into their profit and the government isn't going to force them. The real question is, with so many making so little, why isn't anyone else asking this question?

    The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men-Plato

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