
If inflation in zimbabwe is really x,000% how can any business operate?

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Tesco say they are cutting links -- but I don't understand how they have continued to do business up to now!! I thought inflation was x,000%, so prices rose may times over every day?




  1. Yes it is, inflation is so high in Zimbabwe  the currency is   confetti money. Mr Mugabe print it as it suits him, business is not like we know it mind boggling, firms like Tesco only exist because of patronage of what left of the European population in that country, I surmise they are hoping for better days to come, which appears to be getting further every day,

  2. that is why half the people are starving

  3. I can guarantee that Tesco did not use local currency in its transactions.

    I love the way Tesco is pretending this is a moral stance. They could have had a moral stance 15 years ago when Mugabe first started murdering people. They are withdrawing purely from profit. They are a dreadful organisation.

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