
If intelligent design is to appear more scientific, shouldn't it allow for design by committee?

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I know people say that committees never achieve anything, but the most complicated machines that humans have ever built are designed by committees (the Space Shuttle, Concorde, Large Hadron Collider, etc..). Shouldn't the Intelligent Design people state that certain biological phenomena can only be explained by the intervention of an intelligent being OR COMMITTEE? After all, if a scientist was going to invoke the supernatural to produce an explanation, they are surely at liberty to do it more than once and form a supernatural committee. That must surely be more probable, given the amazing and complicated array of life there is on this planet. Can we campaign to have Intelligent Design amended to allow for design by committee as I think their approach is discriminatory and singularist at the moment.




  1. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters . . . And God said:  Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness."  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . all things were made by Him."  God the Father, God the Son [the Word] and God the Holy Spirit is your ID committee.  Genesis 1:1, 2 and 26; John 1:1,2.  God bless.  

  2. "I am  fascinated by some strange developments going on in astronomy....The astronomical evidence leads to a Biblical view of the origin of the world". -- Robert Jastrow (Astomomer) and former Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies

    “The exquisite order displayed by our scientific understanding of the physical world calls

    for the divine.” - Vera Kistiakowsky (physicist)

    "For the scientist who has lived his dream by faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." - Robert Jastrow (astronomer and physicist)

    "... It would be perfectly consistent with all we know to say that there was a Being who was responsible for the laws of physics". Stephen Hawking....American Scientist,  73, (1985).

    Check out this book,  "The Case for a Creator", by Lee Stroble

  3. Absolutely... check this out..!!!

    According to the Bible, there is free will in Heaven!!! No sooner God created Heaven with all the angels 1/3 of them rebelled against God on the SPOT and became demons!!! IMHO this is a major glitch in God’s Creation that Christians refuse to talk about! During the 6 day creation week God was very busy creating the rest of the Universe and h**l to do anything about this rebellion right away, but he scheduled to have all the rebellious angels evicted from Heaven and cast down to Earth along with Satan during the “Tribulation Period” after the Rapture™! So according to the Bible record before Eve ever touched the forbidden fruit, 1/3 of the "innumerable host of Heaven" actually rebelled against God on free will!!! It is a shame that not even one single “Guardian Angel” was available to watch and protect Eve from committing an UNKNOWN EVIL like eating from the fruit of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL that has the potential of sending the bulk of humanity that God loves so much to h**l “prepared for Satan and his angels”. She learned that it was evil only afterwards when her “eyes were opened!” Only an all Wise God would set her up like that so the bulk of humanity would end up in h**l! Later on more angels banded together to quit Heaven in the days of Noah when they noticed that the girls from around here were "BEAUTIFUL" so they had s*x and family with them (Gen 6:1-2) – This is a clue in the Bible that male angels have well developed sexual organs and that s*x in Heaven must be very lousy or the female angels very ugly and prudish that they had to look elsewhere for a better deal not even 1,000 years after their creation... and so on... Remember that "without gullibility… (Oops, sorry) faith it is impossible to please God!" and most Christians hardly read the Bible and stop to think what they are reading! The classical “When we get to Heaven God will tell us all that we need to know” is what makes Christianity so thriving!

  4. Hey -- you are actually on to something here.  Genesis records, "Let US make man in OUR image" Gen 1:26.  This may be Intelligent Design by Committee.  THANKS!

  5. Why would God, who created the scientists who need committees as well as the laws that govern this world we live in, need a committee.  If you believe in a supreme creator (supreme being the emphasized word) then there is no room for a committee.  He is supreme to all and therefore is the only one who could create it all.

  6. i think you make a good point. most engineers will work in teams and they are the ones who make all the things you mentioned.

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