
If invited .. would you travel with aliens to their world and stay there for one year ?

by  |  earlier

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And if you liked it there so much .. would you think that you could stay forever?




  1. yup may be....hopefully..they r the friendly ones...not those that use you for inter-breeding purposes

  2. no way - unless they were a lot more advanced than us - if an alien landed here there's no way they'd let it go out to check the tourist attractions before shopping for souvenirs and then going home - it'd get the anal probe.

    someone else can go planet Zog first, but as soon as I know it's safe, I'll be there!

  3. Why not. I will be the first man to be with an alien integrating with them. It is the most greatest opportunity to know what their lives are. I could share with humans the alien philosophy after a year.

    I may not stay with them forever but the possibility of frequent visit is most likely my choice.

    Thanks for giving me  the opportunity to  dream in a given hypothetical scenario.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

    I enjoyed the question.

  4. without a doubt..why not?...

  5. lol yeah .cool

  6. Only if the group of aliens were Tralfamadorians.

  7. not sure,it would depend on what was going on in my life at the time and my gut feelings about the aliens

  8. Sure would - a gap year sounds exactly up my alley right now. Just please don't make them too ugly; that would scare me!

    Don't think I could stay there for ever - I'd get homesick.

  9. No.

  10. whats wrong with my world? Why can't we chill out on Earth for a while?  No, You should not get into a strangers car. Especially,  if they are intergalactic aliens with flying saucers.

  11. no im happy here

  12. Heck no, a lot can happen here in one year.

  13. well not a whole year

    depends if they had nice food =P

    and s*x

    and personailties

    and a life

    butt yeh not a whole yea. depends if a human culd come with me lol

  14. Yes, subject to my assessment of their intent...

  15. Only if it was a beautiful resort and spa planet with gorgeous women.

  16. can i take my son and husband as well as a lifetime supply of good cheese and wine? i like to think it would be an honour and a privilege to receive such an invitation, as for staying there forever... i cannot possibly say.

  17. if I knew they would not harm me yes, but I would only want

    to stay for a few days, I'd miss my family here on Earth

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