
If iran stops its nuclear program will usa get rid of theirs?

by  |  earlier

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if not iran should go all out and also china and russia should help them,the world should join together against usa




  1. yeah you'd think wouldn't you, this is a lovely example of hypocrisy at its highest :)

  2. Peace on Earth could happen one day

    Europe Asia alliance against the USA is not beyond imagination in the future.

    Politics is a dangerous business, more so when it involves enough weapons to kill every living thing on the planet a thousand times over

  3. Iran should not stop if its intentions are good but I definitely don't want to see a world war 3. I hate wars.So I wish for Peace.

  4. i think every home should have one lol

  5. i doubt it. back during the Cuban Missile Crisis, after the Americans told the Russians to remove their missles from Cuba, the Americans were reluctant to admit that they had nuclear weapons in Turkey. if Russia had not accused them, I doubt the Americans would have removed their missiles. and even if Iran stops its nuclear program, the USA would still want to be a major power, so no, i don't think they'd get rid of theirs.

  6. Don't be so silly!

  7. Then say bye bye to Iran. USA, France, and the UK are Nato not some commie dictatorship

  8. The USA only want themselves and Israel to have nuclear weapons, so they can dictate how things around the world should be done the American way

  9. Are you thinking clearly?  The current leadership of Iran wants to bring back the (some number) mullah.  That's like Christians or Jews thinking they could cause the return or arrival of the Messiah by blowing up the world.  Those who do not share that brand of faith would be seriously and unfairly inconvenienced.  Therefore, Iran is a special case in the nuclear armament discussion.

  10. The only thing Americans can make properly: Weapons. They can't make cellphones and cars properly even though they can make something as sophisticated as a weapon. I think not because its a land of hypocrites and warmongers.

  11. There is an international agreement that identifies which countries can have a nuclear capability and the U.S. is one that can.  Other countries were able to sign this agreement stating that they would not develop nuclear weapons.  Iran has signed the agreement and therefore should not be developing a nuclear capability as they are in violation of the agreement.  On the other hand India has not signed the agreement and can continue to develop its nuclear weapons without creating the same kind of international incident.

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