
If it's 0 degress today, and the weather man says tomorrow is supposed to be twice as cold...?

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What temperature is it?




  1. 87.

  2. Why do people keep asking this question over and over again? Convert the zero degrees from its current unit of measurement into something else and divide or multiply by 2.

    0°C = 32°F

    32°F / 2 = 16°F

    0°F = -18°C

    -18°C x 2 = -36°C

  3. Assuming you meant 0 F

    0 F= -17.77778 C

    -17.77778 C x 2 =  -35.55556 degree's C =

    -32 F

    but technically by your question the answer would be 0 degrees, because you asked what temperature is it, not what temperature is it tomorrow.

  4. 0 degrees on the Centigrade scale is +273 Kelvin (ie 273 degrees above absolute zero).  Halve that and you get 136.5 K, or -136.5 C.

    I don’t think it will get that cold, do you?

  5. hmmm no idea.. too much math for

  6. Zero F or Zero C?

    Convert one to the other temperature and you'll be able to do the math.

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