
If it's not human life, what is it?

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Honestly, I want to know what is pro-choice argument to justify terminating a pregnancy. I know you think I want to take rights away from women, but really, I am thinking about a life. A human life. Why won't you call it like it is? I haven't heard a satisfying argument from the other side.

Something starts at conception. Is it alive? Yes. Is it human? Of course. Therefore...




  1. i don't think a fertilized egg is equal to a human being in the same way that i don't think an egg is a chicken. it just isn't. i get that the lines can be difficult to draw, but i simply believe that there is more to being human than having chromosomes or even physical characteristics like bone structure or arms and legs. it's about consciousness, soul --something that can't necessarily be measured scientifically (or at least not at this point in time). i don't think there's any specific point that a fetus becomes a human being though, so that makes it hard for me to say at what point i believe abortion should not be allowed.  

  2. If a girl was raped, and could not carry a child? Should she? Should her health be damaged?

    If a woman cannot provide a healthy home, cannot provide food, or is in such poor health that she cannot carry the baby without dying, should she?

    Carrying a child is literally that, you must eat, sleep, and breathe for the child as well as yourself. What if a woman is not in a position where she is able to?

    Should she be forced to anyway?

  3. Exactly.

  4. lets see you get raped by a scum bag an you keep the baby.


  6. I don't understand how someone could be pro-choice. Life starts at conception, so terminating a pregnancy is the same choice as ending a life.  

  7. There isn't one really

    Lets face it, they just want to have the option to terminate an un-wanted pregnancy. To them its a cheap and easy fix to compensate for their lacking morals compared to just carrying the baby to term and raising it. If they gave it away....they'd have to contend with guilt.

  8. When it all boils down, it comes to this: what or who is it that you believe in as your final authority (?)  

    If it's yourself or any other human being, then you can create your own set of rules/morality based on what is right in your own eyes.  Therefore, abortion is only one of many things that may be justifiable to such thinking.  Falsely, of course.

    If it is God and the Holy Bible, then you go by what God says, which is that an unborn baby is a human being and very precious.  Therefore abortion is not excusable or justifiable.

    Personally, I am PRO-LIFE!  I happen to love God and respect His precepts regardless of what the secular world is screaming and demanding.

    All this drivel about "it's MY body, MY choice" is nothing more than rebellious selfishness.  Plain and simple.  

    People that hate God's Word or relegate it to some back shelf of their mind will seriously take offense to all that I have just said.  Too bad.  Truth is truth.  God is sovereign.  Whether you bow your knee now or later, the fact is you WILL bow someday.

  9. What about sperm?  Billions of potential lives right there.  

    But seriously, the pro-choice message is about judgement, not federally mandated laws that offer brutality on either side of the scale.  From incest and child rape to more complex medical emergencies, the situation needs to be examined by health and human services.  Not a small minded blanket law, bringing us back to the days of the coathanger.  

    As Obama said tonight, he will do more than McCain to stop unwanted pregnancy, and he's said it before, adoption outreach programs, and prevent abortion with education, and his plan is comprehensive and more effective, and you can count on this, YOU WILL SEE FEWER ABORTIONS UNDER OBAMA.  

  10. is it human? define what it takes to be human...

    To have a debate on this matter, you have to remove all opinion and all religion and have the scientific facts. Aside from facts, its all your opinion, even if you use the bible and religion, those are your own personal beliefs and since everyone has different beliefs as they are entitled to, they can make whatever decision they want about what is theirs. If its their life they created, they can decide what happens to it.

  11. I am on the fence on this subject.

    I believe in adoption.

    I don't believe an innocent child should be murdered.

    However - if I were raped and a pregnancy resulted - I would abort it. Without hesitation. My sister was raped - and it was a nightmare - I couldn't live for 9 months knowing the baby inside me resulted from a terrible act of violence and risk the possibility of passing on whatever made the rapist who he was unto an innocent child. I wouldn't keep it or give it up for adoption.

    I also feel that women should stop using abortion as a birth control method. I think women and teen girls should make smarter choices and learn that having s*x does not equal love. If girls understood that simple statement - they wouldn't be having s*x as much...

    I also feel however if you are adult enough to have s*x - then you should deal with the fact you are pregnant - THEN AGAIN - that is part of America's growing problem - children having children. They are dropping out of school to try and raise a baby but without an education can't find a good enough job to ever rise above the poverty level and therefor their babies grow up to expect that poverty is normal and ok and then the circle of life repeats itself...

    It's a difficult question that for me is NOT black and white...

    I don't believe we have the right to murder. I think life begins at conception - yet under certain circumstances... I feel it's acceptable.

    And - absolutely - a pregnancy results in a HUMAN LIFE... An unborn human life with a beating heart...

    That is the only answer... It is a HUMAN LIFE.

  12. Why is it okay to kill a cow (we call that lunch) and not okay to kill a person (we call that murder)?  Because a person has a soul.  So the question remains, at what point is the soul imparted onto the body?  Conception?  Birth?  Somewhere inbetween?

    Personally, I believe it is at conception.  But I can see where people can genuinely believe that the soul is imparted to the body at birth and thereby think that abortion is not murder.  They are wrong, but I can understand how they think.

  13. Basically, a child is not legally a person until it has been born. So, the woman's rights take precedent, as she is a legal person. It really doesn't make sense for an unborn person to have greater rights than a person who has been. Don't make the mistake of thinking people who are pro-choice are necessarily pro abortion. We want the right to choose, that's all.

    Let's take your point of view a little further. If a woman gets a really serious whiff of paint and subsequently miscarries, should the guy painting his fence be charged with manslaughter? Yes, because he terminated a human life. Or do we say no, because he was just painting his fence. Should we charge the pregnant woman with manslaughter for walking past a guy who was painting his fence?

    Biologically, it a human life. I've never heard anyone dispute that. It is not a person, legally. It is a complex issue. Pro lifers and Pro choicers focus on different parts of the issue. For you, the child's life is the most important part of the issue. For me, the woman's right to her own body is the important part. I can't understand how anyone could even consider that a woman's body and it's functions could belong to anyone but her, let alone legislate it; nor that an unborn person should have more rights than anyone else.

    Adoption takes care of the end result of the pregnancy, the child. It doesn't solve the actual pregnancy problem for the woman. Some women breeze through pregnancy, some chug along, and others are pretty near useless. If she is unable to look after herself properly (and I can't when I'm pregnant) who's responsibility is it? If the state is going to make her have the baby, then surely the state ought to be responsible for caring for the woman until delivery. Can you imagine a system like that? Not practical at all! Can you imagine how that would be abused? Accidents happen even when people are using contraception correctly; you can't outlaw accidents. So what to do? Ban s*x for pre-menopausal women unless they are intending to concieve? Again, not practical! And definately not enforcable!! This all sounds a bit dramatic, but who's responsibility is it to care for a pregnant woman who got pregnant accidently, doesn't want to have the child, can't abort it, and is too tired or sick to look after herself? You can't exactly legislate that the man stick around, cook and clean for her. Sadly, you can't legislate that women only sleep with guys who are going to stick around. You can't legislate that women only sleep with one guy per month so they'll know which guy is the father. Marriage isn't the answer. Even married people seek abortions; and marriages can break up.

    I doubt you'll find any convincing pro-choice argument because you are anti-abortion and came to that conclusion for sensible reasons. I don't expect you to change your mind, but I hope I have illustrated the complexity of the issue.

  14. Life begins at conception with humans just as it does with everything else.

  15. I agree.

  16. Population control? Their way too many people on this earth as it is and we don't have enough resources to accommodate everyone.

    I honestly hope assisted suicide is legal when I am too old to contribute to society because I would surely do it with pride that I helped humanity.

  17. Hate pro choice liberals, once the sperm meets the egg, the life form is human.

  18. I'm pro-choice, and I'm pretty sure it's a human life.  However, there's already 6 billion plus humans in the world, and I don't care enough about humans to try to save every last one of us.  If a mother wants to terminate her pregnancy, that's is her prerogative and none of my business.

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