
If it's okay for a woman to be a housewife, is it okay for a man to be a househusband?

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And if not, why? And if so also why? I tell you what if I ever didn't have to work, I'd be like a 1950's housewife to my woman, slippers at the door with a martini by god.




  1. Yeah it's ok to be the househusband.  Really there is a lot of work around the house to do between dishes, laundry, vacumming, garbage and of course cleaning all the windows, furniture, blinds/drapes and other things.  But you also, once you get things organized, go out and do things like play pool and go swiming and other activities like the gym etc.  So it's not all at home stuff.  Get real you think those women just sit around home all day watching soaps???  No way dude their out there shopping and other things while you're at work so do same but what you like.  By the by you can meet the other housewives while shopping.

  2. You said it your self; you'd go batty.  Me I wouldn't; case closed. Besides; I'm a possive person when it comes to what should be done.  I do the kids and house; even if I held done a job; he wants to throw in and help so be it; I'm not going to ask. That's my way.

  3. *LOL*  Well, I actually just answered a question very similar to this one.  I think that it is a man's right to be a househusband, just as women have the right to choose whatever we want as well.  Equality means both partners are equal--it doesn't mean that women can choose to be home or have a career and that men don't.  

    If I had a househusband, I would NEVER want him to wait on me hand and foot like that (slippers & martini at the door)--I would want him to give me a newfound respsect for when I did all that for a few years.

    By the way, when I did do it for a few years, I was bored senseless!!!  People think they'd want to be home all day, but it's very annoying.  You get no repsect from people...they think you have all the time in the world to do things for them.  And you're right--daytime TV DOES suck! ;-)

  4. You poor uninformed little child. I am a SAHD, and I still can make more in a week than what you do in a year in your AKA job.

  5. Of course it's OK, as long as it works out for the couple in question. Now can you please stop asking about it?

  6. If you can find a woman who is willing to support you in that role, then I don't see anything wrong with it.

    But bear in mind that society nowadays considers housewives to be scum ('braindead robots' as they describe us), and it is likely that a househusband will attract even more contempt.

    And despite what feminists would have you believe, being at home does involve a certain amount of work, looking after young children can be very tiring for instance, and it is not a job for the 'brain-dead', children are extremely intellectually curious and bombard you with complex questions that need answering all day long.  Not to mention stopping fights etc, and cleaning up after them can be quite a chore.

    However, it definitely beats a lot of jobs, and it certainly is a good way to spend your time if you are someone with the intellectual resources to keep yourself amused at home.  If you have no intellectual resources then you will probably be bored, but anyone of moderate intelligence should be able to keep themselves occupied.

  7. I am a stay at home mom. I am not bored to tears, thanks to the kids, but I am exhausted and underpaid. If I didn't have children I don't think I could honestly stand to stay home. Unless I was fabulously wealthy, then I bet I could learn to adjust. Honestly, I wouldn't respect my husband if he stayed home and we didn't have kids. If he is at home, managing the monkey house on the other hand, I would be all for it.

  8. of course it's okay, it's perfectly equal. if it wasn't, the name "MR.MOM" would have never been invented. :-) i'm all for husbands staying home, i'm for wifes staying home too!

  9. pshhh. id love is my husband stayed home and did cores all day!

  10. never. that is a womans domain. You are a girl if you do that. You are not strong or masculine. you will just be used as slave for feminist

  11. yes indeed, more and more couples are doing this and it works great.... in fact my nephew stays at home, cares for their child, and takes care of the home.... this is a equal partnership and it is finally being done..   one will find that taking care of the home is alot of work, and childcare is also alot of work..

  12. I think it would be perfectly fine as long as the househusband did what a housewife does. Someone needs to take care of the children and it should not be someone who is paid minimum wage to "care" about your kids. Also, even if you don't have kids it would be best if someone was home to clean the house and cook the meals. Also to make doctor appointments and take care of the bread winner. If one person stayed at home and actually cooked a meal, there would be less crud being eaten by families. It is so simple to just run out to fast food but it is not the healthiest option. Real meals take real time to prepare.

    The only drawback to being a househusband would be finding a woman who could financially support the family. Typically, although not fair, women make less in the job market than men. If you find yourself a woman who can financially support you, then go for it.

  13. The choice is yours.

    And that's actually the whole point isn't it.





    Cheers :-)

  14. Of course.  I prefer some local wine at the door when I get home though.

  15. Yes, of course. It's their choice if they wanna stay at home and do housework, as long as they have the right financial support from their significant other.

  16. I think it is okay and I think that if more men started to do it they would change the meaning of house-person!  They would probably be more active with their children (playing football and such), coach little league, do home repairs saving money, fix the car and do all the other things some women expect men to do after they have worked an eight hour day all week long and now what him to mow the lawn on Saturday.  A househusband could mow the lawn on Monday and take his family to the zoo on Saturday instead.  I think to some housewives are lazy and selfish not wanting their husbands to have the same choice and yet expecting him to pack his nights and weekends catering to their "honey-do" list.

  17. It is, although people can be very judgmental to anything that seems new and slightly unusual. In the UK it's becomming more and more popular and socially accepted.

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