
If it's okay (to Democrats) to legally murder babies, is it okay then to?

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Stuff them and mount them on the wall. (since Pro abortionists don't think they're human).

What kind of logic says life can't be in a fetus.




  1. i'm paying child support to several women.  i wish they had had them stuffed.

  2. do you know anything about what happened before people had doctors perform abortions....No one wants anyone to have an abortion....but for many different reasons people have them...When they can't go to a Dr. they might suicide, use a coat hanger, go to a back ally for someone there to perform it for them.....People died from this.....mothers of 5 children....13 year olds who were embarrassed.....Pro-choice is not about killing is about giving someone a chance.....people who are against it can't understand they may someday in someway be faced with this decision..........It is so that if someone you love is ever faced with a pregnancy they know they can't go through they can go to a one wants to murder a baby & to say this is a lie. The same about abortions are going to happy as long as the reasons a person wants an abortion are still a reality....The only people I know who kill & stuff & mount things on the walls are hunter's like Sarah Palin I would never do that...Many dems don't even eat meat & republicans think that is ridiculous. Many dems don't believe in war. I guess you think soldiers should be mounted on the wall too. That's terrible but it that is what you are saying. Why is it OK to kill grown ups we don't believe in any of it just choice for a doctors care.

  3. How does another persons CHOICE affect you in ANY way?

    It doesn't.

    This country has REAL problems to deal with.

  4. Republicans have abortions they just lie about them, because if people knew that they had them they couldn't truly live up to others expectations.   IF you think that there aren't teenagers of republicans who get pregnant and their parents let them have abortions or they do it on their own, you're not dealing with real life.  They just don't want others to know that this is being done in their families but they don't want their children stuck with unwanted kids any more than any one else does and if you think that their kids don't have s*x before marriage than you're not dealing with the reality of life. These people have abortions and their kids have abortions, they just don't want you to know about it.

  5. Uhm.. you're missing the point.

    It depends on WHEN the woman aborts.. generally however it is when this so called ''baby'' is nothing more but a SPECK, a CELL.. not even visible to the eye.

    You think it's wrong to abort? that's fine.. that's the beauty about PRO-CHOICE.


    People like me are not forcing our opinion onto you. Unlike pro-lifers who don't understand that they can keep the baby if they wanna! no one is complaining.. but for pete's sake let other people live their lives and trust them for making a good choice.

    You need to get a life and not get so invloved in other people's business. that's the main problem around here. you wanna be saved and go to heaven? good, that's what YOU believe in. no one is telling you you can't believe in what you believe in or do what you gotta do.

    But leave people like me alone, please.

    This is a free country people! I'm pro-CHOICE.. I think a woman should have the liberty to think well about her decision without creating more turm oil than it already is for her. No woman aborts willingly's not easy.

    Think about more important issues.

  6. if I ejaculate, I'm killing like a million babies.....

  7. well said....I agree

  8. Only if we can stuff you and put you on the wall first for asking such an inappropriate question.

  9. Remember Obama said babies were a punishment from God. So I think he should abort his children even if they are over 5 years old. So he won't feel punished by God.

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