
If it's raining, how far below the speed limit are you supposed to drive?

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If it's raining, how far below the speed limit are you supposed to drive?




  1. There is no set amount. You should drive to suit the conditions at the time - the wet road significantly reduces tyre grip, so you can't steer as well, you can't brake as well, and you can't react as quickly as normal because of reduced visibility.

    Just leave much bigger gaps between you and the cars in front of you, make sure to leave extra margins of time and space for maneuvres, and signal your intentions earlier than normal.

  2. 3 seconds of sight, you should drive as fast as far you can see

  3. i am a professional truck driver i see this problem all the time allot of people don't know what is safe it all depends on the road the traffic the tires the type of car how well your car is maintained meaning the brakes and wipers my suggestion is simple if you feel u are going too fast u probably are if u get uncomfortable just pull over and wait till the rain lightens up and remember don't cut off trucks we cant stop like cars,at 50 mph it takes a truck a football field to stop and please always remember the left lane is for passing thanks and safe motoring  

  4. well if your supposed to be doing 30mph then just do 20. If your going 70mph then do 60

  5. Raining or not you can not drive faster than conditions allow, this could mean snow, sun, rain, etc...

  6. Drive for conditions,Use common sense,Remember cars will hydroplane in the water,the slower the better,light cars are very dangerous in the rain when running fast,the faster you run the chances are favorable that the car will lift and you will be riding on water.  

  7. Maintain your speed at least 5 to 10 miles per hour below the speed limit.

    This ensures you don't go so slowly that you violate any laws applicable to where you're driving.

    The speed limits are determined by taking drivers' speeding tendencies into account, and safe, experienced drivers know to slow down substantially in rain.  

  8. Do you have tires that are good on wet roads, how hard is it raining, what kind of car are you driving... all of this make a differences. You need to us common sense to how fast to drive. There is no rule to this answer.

  9. If your wipers are on and you can't see in front of you best stop on the side or slow down> remember stopping on wet payment takes twice as long>  

  10. There is no set answer to your question. Common sense dictates this instead of specific laws. If you pay attention to how your car feels and the feedback it gives you then you will know if you're driving too fast. (Yes, your car will let you know if you pay attention)

  11. It depends how heavy it is, if its heavy, then do not drive and if its light or normal then 40m/hrs

  12. I don't know but I know you are supposed to leave a 4 second gap instead of 2  

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