
If it's true that male-to-female?

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transsexuals are born with female brains, then why don't physiological effects occur? How come it doesn't show in their body? A lot of them are fertile, undergo normal puberty, have full facial hair, have normal male skeletal structures, etc. A female brain would not work well with the male puberty right and it would show, right?




  1. transsexuals are not born with female brains hehe. its their environment that affects them a lot, thus making them feel like they are girls, but biologically they are not :D

    i hope i was able to answer your question :D

  2. They not only think they are female, they behave like female, for example, the way they walk. They may have high female hormones than normal male.

  3. "A female brain would not work well with the male puberty right and it would show, right?"

    And it does show: gender dysphoria.

    However, there is constant pressure to conceal it.

    Most parts of the human brain are gender-neutral and work just fine either way. A few parts are sexually dymorphic. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is larger in men than in women, including transsexual women. The mismatch between these parts and our lower parts probably triggers our sense of not fitting in our bodies.

  4. Did you even take a biology class?

    Keep in mind: GENDER is hardwired in the brain of a person. It is male or female and cannot be altered or changed. The ANATOMICAL s*x of a person is what is found between their legs. Conditions such as Intersexuality dismisses all claims of "you are what you have between your legs".

    The anatomical s*x of person produces s*x hormones. s*x hormones come in either estrogen or testosterone. Just because, for example, a transsexual girl has a female brain from birth, the pituitary--especially during puberty--still sends messages to the genitals to produce s*x hormones.

    I am a female who was born with a p***s and testicles. This has always made me very uncomfortable and I never felt coherent with my body. When I finally decided to transition my doctors were very surprised: before one takes on the serious procedure of Hormone Therapy, blood tests need to be done, especially of the s*x hormone.

    In an average male, 350-1000 nanograms of testosterone is circulating within the blood. My Endocrinologist kept pressing the question, "Are you sure you haven't taken Estrogen in your life?" My blood was only circulating 200 nanograms of testosterone. I have never attempted Hormone Therapy before seeing my Endocrinologist.

    What does this mean? I never developed much facial hair nor body hair, my voice is still very soft and high pitched, and today I blend in very well with other females.

    Many will attest to the fact that puberty with the wrong s*x hormone is

    terrible. It causes intense suffering and confusion as the body changes into a form very opposite of the person's gender. As one looks in the mirror and sees changes equivalent to a disformity, you can only imagine how hard this is.

    I know my puberty was very rough on me, and depression and suicide happened quite often because I saw my body going into a direction which made me so uncomfortable. Looking back, I know before I had gone through puberty that I wouldn't develop male features--I didn't want a beard, I didn't want a mustache, I didn't desire that "rough" look, etc.

    Today, I work as a high fashion model, a wife, and a mother. I feel more content and happy with my life and with the form of my body. There is no longer a disharmony. There only remains a spirit which feels harmony with its flesh.


  5. Consider this.

    I  can connect a webcam OR a printer to my computer. I can, if I choose, program my computer to send printer commands & control codes to my webcam; or I can program it to send camera commands to my printer. But, no matter what signals my computer sends my printer, it will never take pictures, and neither will my webcam print documents.

    A transsexual person's brain works in a similar way.

    It doesn't matter what electro-chemical signals it sends to the gonads, it can never get a t******e to produce oestrogen, or an ovary to produce testosterone, in sufficient amounts to produce the secondary sexual characteristics you refer to (facial and body hair, breast development, fat distribution, musculoskeletal development, et.c).

    An untreated transsexual woman will go through a male puberty, and an untreated transsexual man will go through a female puberty, regardless of the influence of the sexually-dimorphic areas of the brain.

    And believe me, going through the wrong puberty is MORE intense than going through the right one; it's hellish.

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