
If it's wrong to lie about being rich to get women...........?

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A guy just asked about how to look rich to get women. And the women on here tore the guy a new one!;_ylt=AqYHeoalHnctMf10eD8QXnXB7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080823215209AA8NYRN

But if that is lying and manipulating, then what about make-up (that's not your face), or those undergarments that squeeze your fat in, or push-up or even worse padded bras (talk about false advertising!)

This guy was just lying about how much money he has, and I have only made a very small partial list of the smoke and mirrors that women use to get a man's attention.

What's the difference?




  1. I also seek a truthful relationship and if that's what you want, then that's what you have to do yourself up front by being honest.

    If your after a dishonest relationship, then start your lies and deceit and your marriage won't go very far at all.

  2. The guy is presenting a character who is not himself.  He wants to present to women that he's successful, smart, and educated...while he might well not be.  His misrepresenting who he really is.

    These are attributes that women look for, that go deeper than just physical appearance and this man is wanting to play on that.  It's appealing to the women's psyche.  

    Women do all that you said, to appear PHYSICALLY attractive.  It has nothing to do with their character.  You guys can't even tell when a woman has a padded bra or not - and when it comes off all you see is bobbies anyways.  The bra is to make the clothes look better on the bust area.

    Squeezing the fat doesn't take it away.

    Make-up can be taken away.

    Bra comes off eventually and real boobies are seen...

    You present yourself as a rich guy - you let down the woman who became attracted to that man, and you further exploit your own lack of security.

  3. Do you really want to attract this type of woman...???

  4. It is wrong and the kind of women that would be impressed and attracted by the fact that you are rich would dump you so super fast when they found out that you lied.

  5. Good point! Yet most men when looking at a women, can see that she wears makeup, can tell she wears a bra (most wemons b***s arent that perky), etc.  But lying to someones face about how much money you have? Its not like the girl can say well let me see your bank statement!  But I understand where your comming from. I still dont think that lying about your cash flow is ok.  

  6. lmao. good point.  since hes prob just looking for booty anyway, then yes, i guess it is just like what we do

  7. In answer to your question... there is no difference.  Personally, I don't put up any false pretenses.  I am who I am and people have a choice to accept me or not.  If they do accept me, at least I know that they're accepting who and what I truly am.  I won't have to go through life pretending to be something else.  

    I do think it's pretty stupid for this guy to even consider lying about his income to make himself appealing to a woman.  Any woman who has an ounce of sense will establish herself in her own career and won't be interested in any man because of what's in his bank account.  She'll have her own and it won't matter.  Any woman who would be impressed by a man bragging on his income probably deserves what she gets if he's lying.  If I were on a date with some man and he made it a point to let me know what he earned, I would not be impressed.  I would think he was either lying or just a plain old douchebag.  There wouldn't be any more dates.

  8. hey man ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  i told the kid to buy a fake watch off ebay haha

  9. Very true but in the end the truth comes out, either way.

  10. My initial reaction would have been to tear him a new one as well.

    Only because its wrong and something I would not do.

    However you make an excellent point!

    It is a jungle out there! Survival of the fittest.Or at least the perception thereof, hence the make-up and inflated bank accounts.

    My compliments to you for your insight on asking such a provocative question.

  11. You cannot compare the two. Women do not wear makeup for a man. We do not put on bras for a man. We do these things for ourselves. This is how we live everyday man or not. Most people that wear padded bras do so because it hides the nipples and keep you men from staring. Make up does not cover the face it enhances it so yes that is our face. A man lying to get a date and a woman wearing a padded bra are far apart.  

  12. Hey Peter...if you need to put on a fake face about being rich, then you are basically catering to women who are vain, selfish and greedy.

    It's a lot like prostitution [you give me the money and I give you my body/youth/ etc).  It's not love because I have known a lot of very poor people who despite the lack of material possessions, had wonderful families and lived peacefully.  Just think of what is going to happen to him when he can't cough up the money...they are gonna dump him so fast, it's unbelievable.

    We all know women put makeup on and beautiful clothing to attract the opposite s*x.  It's pretty obvious.  But men do it too, but more with the "power" look or with know what I mean, the Arnold Shwartszneggers for example.  BTW Arnold is not the dumb weight lifter, he put himself through college...he's pretty darn smart btw.  Anyhow, women are not alone in the make up (as in make believe) world.

    All that guy is gonna get is a brusing, but then, he doesn't have any morals anyway, does he?  After all, we all know that lying is wrong...but every last human on the earth has done it over and over again.  It's just a matter of how much and to whom and for what reason, right?  Obviously, this is a good reason for him, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

  13. It is like buying a new Ford automobile from the Ford dealership and the first thing you do is drive it over to your buddies house and show it off. "Hey, how do you like my new Ford? Your buddy says, Ford? How come the emblem says Chevrolet? You say, "it does?"

    In otherwards, it is all confusing.

  14. I agree we are a hypocritical bunch. I actually kind of lie that I am poor because I have an immense amount of money and don't want to be used for it.

  15. but women arent lieing to men how they look if you meet a lady that wears make up and you dont like women with make up then all you have to do is say you arent interested, and they only lieing if a guys says hey are you wearing makeup and she says no but then u meet here and see a caked face now thats a lie about  smoked mirrors well its not like th lady is lieing out her mouth thats just a mirror that man lied about his income totally different he flat out said i make this now if he wouldnt have said that it would be there on thing to figure out

  16. He's a real peice of work, a real freakin helmet head. of course the girls flamed him, we all did. rich guys dont take you to sizzler. lol lol lol

  17. Of cousre not.  Its just using the woman's gold diggind insticnt against them.

    Oh don't worry, they'll take half your stuff in a heartbeat.

  18. because men know that women wear makeup and bras and such. Most men who lie about their finances are out for 1 thing and women who wear makeup or undergarments to look nicer in public can still be honest women. it's something thats common and understood, it's not common and understood that men lie about being rich maybe a guy make make it seem as if he has more money than he does but how much more is the question. If you make $25,000 a year and say you make $250,000 thats a HUGE difference, bras and panties and makeup dont make that HUGE of a difference.

    Every answer that you answer on here is "a guy is going to be in his 30's one day and get 20 year olds" over and over again in your own way.  

  19. The difference is you can see a woman's make-up and how well her bra holds her b***s up and if you sleep with her you can see everything on her body.But lying has no way for her to see it.Why would you want to lie to someone you like and take the chance of just being used for what you are lying about.Also,what if she is lying about not having any STD's.Is that ok if she lies to you about that ?I doubt it.

  20. It's always better to be honest with people. I have been successful in business and I personally don't discuss my finances with any date. It is none of their business. Your friend is going after the wrong kind of women.  

  21. Honest is always the best policy.  The truth will come out in the end anyway and what will you be left with?  A woman that will not respect you because your just another lying b*****d...

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