
If it aint broke why fix it?

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Surely there are more important matters to look at.




  1. Although it's not broken (like shattered in pieces), it might not work anymore, thus it needs to be fixed!

  2. cause I love tinkering with stuff.

  3. I trust you it's not important enough to look at, so I didn't look it up!

  4. that is a very short sighted idea!

  5. It takes me about a month to fill my bin, but a family of say 4, will fill it much faster, my recycle bin takes at least 3 months to fill.

    I live about half a mile from the nearest road yet they come and empty them both once a week.

    I pointed this out to the council, their attitude was that they did not want to 'complicate the system'.

  6. I think it sounds like we are in for a bumpy ride!

    Only thing is, we all need to have a bump in the soft road to landfill, don't we?

  7. Politicians as usual!!!

  8. Peace and respect to you my friend. This is yet more damning evidence of further erosion of public services in our country. Draconian rules, as it describes them as, are prevalent in all aspects of our daily life now. It is eating at our civil liberties from the inside out. How many times must we pay them to take our rubbish away. The council will not take your wheelie bin if the lid is even sticking up by 1 inch where I live.

  9. Our Nu Layber masters have simply found yet another way of extracting money from us. Forget the fact that if this becomes law that the amount of litter, fly-tipping, vermin....etc. will increase, let's squeeze some more money out of them before they kick us out of power. Is it any wonder the Conservatives were in power so long before 1997? Sheesh, corrupted by power - so much for their socialist credentials. Credibility in tatters....

  10. Great they'll just be encouraging more fly tipping! Way to go Labour!

  11. Theyr'e full of rubbish!

  12. Brits are funny, squabbling over rubbish bins while their country is slowly turning to a dustbin itself.

  13. We are all gonna end up with the plauge, who the h**l do Labour think they are (oh yeah, the government, duh). I just wish they would call an election so someone else can sort out the mess they've made...literally

  14. If they do that, I'll just take all my rotting c**p that hasn't been collected and take it down to Gordon Clown's house and his Houses of Parliament and dump it there to see how that fat, ugly, puppet-faced tosser likes it.

    I'll second that wilde_space - if we don't get the idiots who are running it now out, it will only get worse and we'll become an even bigger laughing stock.

  15. I notice how there will be no drop in the council tax though, That is disgusting it's time labour were shown the door!

  16. i dunno

  17. Fly tipping is already happening by ordinary householders, I've seen it.

  18. Yes like the credit crunch!

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