If it can be proven that Karla Snedeker used extensive sexualy orientated physical contact to get men arrested for indecent exposer could she hit with a civil trial for emtional damages .I beleive what she did met the entrpament standard however even if it does not could she still be sued .What she did was malicious and just plain wrong .
it could be proven that Karla Snedeker used extensive sexualy orientated physical contact to get men arrested for indecent exposer could Robin Garrison sue for emotional trauma ?
If it could be proven that Karla Snedeker used sexualy suggestive physical contact , flirtatious dialogue , and provactive visusal displays , then popping a question asking to see his genitalia , to get men arrested by the police for indecent exposure could Robin Garrison sue for emotional trauma ?
(before anyone ask i dont live in ohio , nor was i one of the 15 or 16 people snared this way .I just find it disgusting that this was done )