
If it comes down to Stewart and Busch for the checkers, would they wreck each other trying to win?

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It hasn't happened yet, but I have to figure it will sooner or later. Kyle Busch is a hard charger and so is Stewart when he has a good car. I don't think either of these two would back off for the other.




  1. i would really love to see it happen.I would love to see Tony smoke em. Kyle Busch is an arrogant little toadie, who is going to p i s s-off the wrong guy someday and find himself going where he doesn't want to go. And they are going to do it in such a way that it looks like an accident, you know the car got loose on me. Like when Busch took out Dale Jr.

    And NO I'm not a member of Junior Nation either. I like DaleJr and I like Tony because they are exciting to watch. Besides that I am old school  Richard "The King" Petty is my all time favourite.

  2. Is a pig's **** pork? heck yes they would wreck each other

  3. No

  4. depends on whos leadin if smoke is leading you best bet kyle will pull a Richmond on him

  5. i think g*y *** stewart would try to take him out.

  6. I think that they would wreck each other.  I hate it when team mates dont race to the end.  Your not racing if your backing off and taking it easy.  Im at the track or watching the race to see a race.  Not to watch somebody give it to another driver just so they dont get a scratch on there car.

  7. Yep, you bet, if Tony is winning, Kyle will try to put him out....

    Tony can  be a hard case, but he will not intentionally wreck someone to win, like someone else we know....oops, like the others, ha ha

    Go Jr #88

  8. Probley not    But i would love to see somthing like that

  9. They woould probably be beating and banging on each other on the way to the checker flag

  10. Kyle would wreck anyone to win. That's how he rolls. Tony would race hard but I don't think he'd intentionally wreck anyone to win.

  11. if stewart is leading and busch is running second, then yes, busch has already shown at richmond that he will wreck the race leader in the closing laps if he's not good enough to beat him.

  12. it could happen, but more likely i could see a finish like jeff and jimmie at martinsville last year - some rubbin' and racin, a nudge here, a little push there - but being careful enough to not wreck each other.

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