
If it is 3 p.m. in California, what time would it be in Italy? Is it a 9 or 10 hour difference, in which?

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direction? As in, Thursday 3 p.m. in California is what day and time in Italy?




  1. It would be midnight Friday in Italy, which is 9 hours ahead of California (still Thursday). Now you have your answer.

  2. it would be nothing cuz it wont ha ha

  3. I guess that's the best way for you to know current time in Italy.

    Anytime you link this website you'll have Italian current day and time.

  4. i live in italy , now 1.47 am friday 20 of April!

  5. It would be midnight in Italy-just turning into Friday.

  6. It would be 12 am. The difference is 9 hours now that both countries have DST, it was 8 when only California had DST till the end of March. Believe me, I'm an Italian living in LA and I talk to my friends and family every day.

  7. Best way to know: go to it will give you the time anywhere in the world. You can also check out the "meeting planner" on the same site which will give you the time difference between the cities throughout the day, thus no need to keep calculating!

  8. It is Friday, 12am

    So 9 hours

  9. The time difference between California and Italy is 9 hours.  So at Thursday 3pm California time would be 12am Friday in Italy.

  10. 10 hours differnce+

    03:00pm or 15:00 will be 10:00pm or 22:00 Italy time! Still the same day!


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