
If it is 9/12 and 8am in the US, what date and time is it in Germany?

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If it is 9/12 and 8am in the US, what date and time is it in Germany?




  1. The datum hier is wroten anders. 9/12 is gleich 12/9. Sechs stunden unterschied zwischen Berlin und Atlanta.

  2. Ok, 9/12 and 8am in US. Depends where you are in the USA.

    Find out what time zone you are in and then go to the chart I have created for you.

    If its 8am Eastern - then in Germany it will be 2pm 9/12

    If its 8am Central - then in Germany it will be 3pm 9/12

    If its 8am Mountain - then in Germany it will be 4pm 9/12

    If its 8am Pacific - then In Germnay it will be 5pm 9/12

    Hope that helps.

  3. Okay...if it's the 12th of Sept, 8 a.m. in New York - in Germany it would be 12 of Sept, 2 p.m. or 14:00 Uhr.

    But if you're in California - in Germany it would be 5 p.m. or 17:00 Uhr.

  4. In the eastern us would be 3 am, if it's in the wastern side then I think 12 am.

  5. Depends from where in the US.



  7. If your livin on the east coase it's 9/12 and 2 p.m.... and then always add an hour each time you go west and hit another time zone...

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