
If it is possible to know that what is the ip add or location of email sender

by  |  earlier

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someone borther me by sending emails i want to know who is that guy probably i know him i feel that so anybody help me




  1. it depends on your email's "brand". i.e. yahoo, comcast, etc. They usually have an "options" button, where you can opt to do certain things with your email. For example, yahoo! has an option where you can choose how much detail you had in your emails. Whether you just had the email address from the recipient, or you could see their email address, ip address, and such.

    You'd go to the bottom of your email, and it gives you a choice of encoding, and the option next to that reads: "FULL HEADERS". If you choose "FULL HEADERS", it will give you much of the information needed to know where the email came from.

    However, you need to remember that people can mask and change their IP addresses if and when they choose.

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