
If it is true that the Republicans want gas prices to go up, will you vote for them to stop excess driving?

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I see this as a problem for global warming people.




  1. Since when do republicans want gas prices to rise? Seems to me that this is a problem everyone faces.

  2. Gasoline price are rising for the same reason gold, copper, silver and all other commodities, as well as foreign currencies, are rising - the weak dollar.    From 2004-2006 rising oil prices were more a function of supply increasing more slowly than demand - but in 2003 and 2007-2008 it has been a function of the weak dollar.

  3. Republicans want gas prices to go up so you vote for them. Before a big election, republicans say they'll fix the problem, and boom , Bush fixes the problem.

  4. It is proven that most people don't change their driving habits when gas prices go up. I think that no matter which party is elected, they should be trying harder to find alternative fuel sources.

  5. republicrats and demopublicans both want gas prices to go up as evidence by the ridiculous taxes they levy on the product and the restrictions to trade that they support which only serve to make the product more expensive.

  6. Well yes why not the more you pay at the pump the more my stock are worth . Whats the problem we cant make a little pocket change ? Why didn't you buy stock when it was cheap ? That's your problem.

  7. That is completely opposite. Republicans want gas prices lower. Liberals want higher gas taxes. They want to control the way people live by taxing things they disagree with.

  8. I'm a Republican and I don't want gas prices to increase........ where on earth did you come up with that???

    Sorry, I was too lazy to type my own thing.

  9. Drill for oil in the USA oil prices will go down.

      All the Eco-freaks want us to use costly bio fuels, that and the fact that their groups are supported by OPEC and the South American cartels is the only reason why we hear so much about global warming.

       Who has the most to lose if we start to drill in the USA?

    OPEC. That is why they give a lot of money to these Eco-groups and conservation groups... to keep us from becoming oil independent!

  10. Wise Ol Indian Say:

    It not wise to vote for a party based on one issue.

  11. by joesisbo makes a great point. The price of gas is reflective of many issues the most dominant being that we are no longer the single biggest importer of Oil. India and China rival us now for imports thus driving up the costs. We have our own deposits but are not allowed to extract them because of spotted owls, field mice, and other such species that look the same as all the others. No on goes to visit Alaska especially Anwar so what is the big deal?

    For the Record we import most of the oil from Candada and Mexico.

    Darfor is happening because the Chinese are getting oil from there and there is more in the south so the muslims are killing and displacing the people to get to it.

    Bio-fuels are not the answer now and no one actually benefits from high gas prices. Perhaps maybe the feds and states should lower their taxes on gas oh wait that would be the right thing to do. Americans will not change their habits until it becomes unbearable. The Europeans pay almost 8bucks a gallon and they still drive. You can not cap gas prices because that will create shortages and gas lines just like in the 70s under Carter.

  12. I'm a Republican and I don't want gas prices to increase........ where on earth did you come up with that???

  13. No, the price of gasoline will skyrocket from here regardless of who's in office.  Google "peak oil."

    Meanwhile the United States has placed businesses away form homes, and allowed oil companies to remove mass transit systems in cities such as Los Angeles, so we're going to have to drive for the forseeable future.  We need to reduce the impact of that driving.

    When gas is $20/gallon (it's $12 in Britain already), what condition will the U.S. economy be in, as consumer spending plummets while people struggle to pay for gas?

    Are you going to vote for Democrats so the average gas mileage will rise to 35MPG and we'll all have some money left over (after paying for gas) to buy other consumer products and keep the economy healthy?

  14. If a downturn in the economy is considered "good" for the Democratic party in upcoming elections, how could it possibly be good for "profit counting " Republicans to support increased fuel prices that drive down the economy? Perhaps you should take another sip of cool aid and enjoy the democratic siren song.

  15. That's because you're not a big picture kind of guy.  In your one-dimensional snarky question, you ignore the fact that Democrats will *tax* the gas prices higher, suppressing driving even more, while lowering profits for the oil companies.  The extra tax money will go to increase the size of government, fund the UN to sterilize freepers like you, and generally advance the global hegemony of whoever it is you are scared is taking over the world.  So Democrats are better off voting Democratic since the Republicans will just turn over the country to Halliburton, KBR, and Exxon, except they are all located in the Cayman Islands now.  

    It all depends on which set of overlords you want to serve.  

    Thanks for asking.

  16. The price of gas is control by supply and demand.

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