
If it is zero degrees Fahrenheit and it will be twice as cold tomorrow what will the temperature be

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I know this has been asked before but the answer that gets best answer is never constant so I guess what is the real answer.




  1. whoa baby where do u live, its summer!!!

  2. 373 F

    The difference between absolute zero and zero F is 373, so doubling that would be 373 F

  3. i had a whole different take  its 212 degrees below the boiling point for water so tomorrow it will be 424 degrees below that point or -212 degrees Fahrenheit

  4. actually, if you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, 0 farenheit is the same as -17.8 celcius, therefore if you double -17.8 then it would be 0 degrees celcius, and 0 degrees celcius is equal to 17.8 degrees farenheit.

    How do you like that one biatches?? =] Ciao!!


  5. I have seen this question way too many times and the answers have varied. A lot of people convert to Kelvin (absolute temperature) and convert back to Fahrenheit after cutting the AT in half. Converting to and from Celsius only seems to be popular too. And of course you get the people who are being technical and say 0°F because doubling zero gives you zero. They don't seem to consider conversion. I think someone may have even said this was a paradox, which of course it isn't.

  6. On the Fahrenheit thermometer, 0 degrees would be -17.8 degrees Celsius. Thus, twice as cold would be -35.6 degrees Celsius, which equals -32.08 degrees Fahrenheit.

  7. -100 degrees F

  8. The Kelvin scale is the absolute temperature scale for Centigrade calculations.  When doing Fahrenheit calculations it is much easier to do calculations with the Rankine scale, which is the absolute temperature scale for Fahrenheit.  With that in mind, 0 Deg. F, = 460 Deg. R.  460 / 2 = 230.  230 Deg. R comes out to be -230 Deg F.

    So if it will be twice as cold as zero Deg. F, it will be 230 Deg below zero tomorrow.  Bring your portable heater!  Brrrrrrrrr.

  9. like beakers said i would have said that but they beat me to it lol.

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