
If it isn't a poem, who thinks it is a question?

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Where is the rest

of our Universe?

Ninety-six percent

Dark Matter


to our senses


by our instruments.

We believe we live

in a vast




Who lives beyond

our four percent?




  1. this whole Cosmos is wonderfully mysterious and yet I do believe it is also knowable...this species could go so far if only we could realize we are one family...before we kill each other off.  Beautifully phrased,

    I love the Science Channel as well!

  2. Effortless. Kudos~

    You've said it, the universe is vast. If we can survey it fully, I cannot say. Though I think the mind is more of a mystery though. But that's just my bias.

  3. In time, all will be revealed ...  you've written a poem to ponder.

  4. Intriguingly, the answer to your question may depend on the character of that dark matter, i.e. whether it is all baryonic.  You see, the existence and scale of all things composed of baryonic matter is conditioned by the precise values of a small set of microphysical constants -- fine structure constant, gravitational coupling fine structure constant, Planck's constant, etc. That list of baryonic things includes humans, because we are carbonaceous observers, and the existence of a stable carbon atom is likewise conditioned by those same constants.  This induces a selection effect on all astronomical observation of baryonic matter; we could not hope to see a universe much different than the one we observe because that difference would require different values for the aforementioned constants and that in turn would preclude our very existence as observers. So, no one need exist but us!  Incidentally, this is also a poem, but it is my contention that all of reality is a poem if one but knows how to listen...

  5. So often we think we know so much about the things we can't possibly know.  If we only had a perspective outside our universe, a way of seeing how matter and anti-matter react, what maintains the balance?  The speed of light is totally meaningless in Dark Matter, which does not transmit light as we know it, but is there a corresponding energy which is invisible to us?  WE might think that there is only one void beyond us, but what if there are many other voids and universes?

  6. Not who, but what. A poetic question of substance.

    Percentile opinions

    on matters so deep,

    bring about fractional replies,

    that only scratch the surface.

    Iceberg tip

    of Universal Knowledge

    promotes adventure,

    Thought and dreams,

    of Titanic proportions.

    I only wish to know

    Knowable knowledge

  7. Before you wander around universes tell me that you know how to navigate to Jersey! lol  Interesting tidbit, leaves the mind thinking.  

  8. A good question, one that deserves a forthright answer. I will run out and find one.

    Meanwhile, let's go to Peter Windsley, covering from the pits.

    PW: There's Professor Einstein. Lets go have a chat with him.

    PW: Good morning, Albert. How are things looking for the race?

    E: I was enthusiastic until the American team of Fermi and Oppenheimer exploded on the Japanese circuit.

    PW: What does this mean for the European teams?

    E: They should print bold statements in the media then go along with whatever Washington comes up with, or else...

  9. In the near future the Poets of Mars and their admirers.The Poets of Venus,(they only write love poems) the Poets of Jupiter ( they are into mythology) the Poets of Uranus (they are into astronomy and analysis of urine)Then there are the Poets of Pluto (they write about Mickey,Minnie etc.they are child-like creatures)Well I could go on and on but what is out there beyond that, I haven't the foggiest idea.But a great question.Who knows what's in the Twilight Zone.

  10. Can I vote for lyrical brain food for thought?

    Beautiful and thought provoking.

    I truly believe we are a whole lot smaller than we believe ourselves to be.

    I too starred your question/poem.

  11. It is a poem that poses a question.

    You have opened up in front of me a great can of worms,

    A pandoras box, I fear to open and see what is inside.

    But the great curiosity is egging on my conscous mind to explore and

    go beyond and outside of the box.

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