
If it isn't on fox news,it doesn't matter?

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I was just wondering why the heck so many people asked questions about some stupid a$$ cartoon/satire magazine cover of Obama and his wife on the New Yorker, but I don't see any questions/concern about the 4th circuit court ruling in Bush's favor ,basically saying Any person,American/not American, may be picked up in the US,not charged wuth a crime and held indefinately, based on the allegation that you are affiliated with some terrorist group/labelled an enemy combatant.

sorry, but president does not=dictator. does anyone else find this disturbing? or does some cartoon of Obama affect our lives alot more than this ruling?




  1. Bush has also passed an executive order allowing the government to seize the property of anyone who protests the war. That's not the title, of course, but the wording definitely makes this clear.

  2. If it's NOT on FOX news, then it's probably real and true.

    FOX is merely the official propaganda ministry for the convervatards.  Josef Goebbels would have been so proud.

  3. The best way to gain power is to slowly take it little by little. Let the people feel like you are making them safe and they will give you whatever you want to make it happen. Also, keep people dumbed down, don't let them know what you are doing, instead keep them occupied with appearances and gossip ("This celebrity just had a baby!" "This magazine just printed a picture that people don't like!" etc.)

    You provide just one small example of things that are happening that most people have no clue about. This stuff is not broadcast that way we don't know about it. You have to actively look to find this information. For example, the post above  that links directly to the whitehouse release about seizure of property. They do make the information accessible, but they sure as h**l don't tell us. It's much better to make it a law, then pick up people out of the blue and hold them indefinantly and when someone says they can't do it just say, "Umm, yeah we can, look at this executive order here," instead of telling everyone and then having a riot or having the people overthrow the government. They much prefer to have as few people know as possible.

  4. our freedom pales when compared to the chance to make poor abused Obama look like a victim.

    You think your losing freedoms Only now? look over the last 20 years.

  5. Welcome to America!  You been Here- long?!   :)

  6. And yet the fact remains that there is no great list of American citizens who are being held indefinitely for no reason.  I'm not saying the potential isn't there, or that folks don't have the right to be concerned about's just that their paranoid ravings do not match the reality of the situation.

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